Service Stations Partner with Local Schools for $1.8 Million
ExxonMobil's Educational Alliance Program Enhances Math and Science Curriculum
-- Benefitted K-12 educational institutions in 41 states and the District of Columbia -- Awarded grants to 2,400 schools -- Program in its 11th consecutive year and has awarded more than $20 million
FAIRFAX, Va.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- ExxonMobil's Educational Alliance Program has awarded $1.8 million in grants this year to 2,400 schools to help enhance math and science education across the United States. This is the 11th consecutive year for the program, which has provided funds to schools in 41 states and the District of Columbia.
Schools could partner with Exxon and Mobil branded service stations, the majority of which are independently owned and operated, to apply for Educational Alliance grants. In February, retailers began working with schools in their communities to fill out the applications jointly. In turn, each school determined how the funds could best be used to advance its math and science programs. Checks were distributed to the winning schools in the fall.
One ExxonMobil branded wholesaler, Blarney Castle Oil Co., supported more than 25 Michigan schools via Educational Alliance. "The grant checks are meaningful to each and every recipient," said Brian C. McCarthy, vice president of finance at Blarney Castle. "BCOC is proud to be associated with such an outstanding initiative to promote educational excellence in our schools."
For more than a decade, Educational Alliance grants have benefitted students across the country. Many schools, recognizing the important boost a grant can give to science and math projects, partner with their local service stations year after year. For the fourth consecutive year, for example, Morrisville High School in the Philadelphia metro area, received an ExxonMobil grant.
"We are pleased the company again has selected our school for this award," said Morrisville's acting superintendent William Ferrara. The grant, specifically aimed at the math and science disciplines, will be used to improve student engagement and performance, Ferrara said. "We've had a continuing relationship with ExxonMobil for the last four years and we appreciate it. Last year, we used the grant to improve our PSSA (Pennsylvania's System of School Assessment test) scores in math and reading and enhance our technology. This year, we'll likely use the money for the purchase of laptops and to improve student achievement, particularly in math and science."
ExxonMobil focuses on educational initiatives that encourage students to take an active interest in math, science and related careers; motivate students to learn and perform well in math and science; support the development of highly qualified math and science teachers and provide teachers with professional development opportunities in math and science.
About ExxonMobil
ExxonMobil is the world's largest publicly traded international oil and gas company, providing energy that helps underpin growing economies and improve living standards around the world. ExxonMobil also engages in a range of philanthropic activities that advance education, health and science in the communities where ExxonMobil has significant operations. In the United States, ExxonMobil supports initiatives to improve math and science education at the K-12 and higher education levels. Globally, ExxonMobil provides funding to improve basic education, promote women as catalysts for economic development, and combat malaria and other infectious diseases in developing countries. In 2009, together with its employees and retirees, Exxon Mobil Corporation (NYSE:XOM), its divisions and affiliates, and ExxonMobil Foundation provided $235 million in contributions worldwide, of which more than $98 million was dedicated to education. Additional information on ExxonMobil's community partnerships and contributions programs is available at
Source: Exxon Mobil Corporation
Released December 16, 2010