Exxon Mobil Corporation Announces Estimated First Quarter 2007 Results


Exxon Mobil Corporation (NYSE:XOM):

                                               First Quarter
                                              2007       2006      %
                                           ----------- --------- -----
Net Income
   $ Millions                                   9,280     8,400    10
   $ Per Common Share
      Assuming Dilution                          1.62      1.37    18

Special Items
   $ Millions                                       0         0

Earnings Excluding Special Items
   $ Millions                                   9,280     8,400    10
   $ Per Common Share
      Assuming Dilution                          1.62      1.37    18

Capital and Exploration
Expenditures - $ Millions                       4,275     4,824


"ExxonMobil's first quarter net income was $9,280 million, up 10% from the first quarter of 2006. Higher refining, marketing and chemical margins were partly offset by a decrease in crude oil and natural gas realizations.

"In the first quarter, ExxonMobil continued to actively invest, bringing additional crude oil, finished products and natural gas to market. Spending on capital and exploration projects totaled $4.3 billion in the first quarter.

"The Corporation distributed a total of $8.8 billion to shareholders in the first quarter through dividends of $1.8 billion and share purchases to reduce shares outstanding of $7.0 billion, an increase of 26% versus the first quarter of 2006."


    --  Net income was $9,280 million, an increase of 10% or
        $880 million from the first quarter of 2006.

    --  Spending on capital and exploration projects was $4.3 billion.

    --  Excluding cumulative entitlement and divestment impacts, as
        well as OPEC quota effects, liquids production increased
        by 7%.

    --  Cash flow from operations and asset sales was approximately
        $14.8 billion, including asset sales of $0.5 billion.

    --  Earnings per share excluding special items were $1.62,
        an increase of 18%, reflecting strong earnings and the
        benefits of the share repurchase program.

    --  Share purchases of $7.0 billion reduced shares outstanding by

    --  ExxonMobil signed contracts for the Fujian Refining and
        Ethylene Joint Venture Project and the Fujian Fuels Marketing
        Joint Venture Project. The two joint ventures, with a total
        investment of about $5 billion, are the first fully integrated
        refining, petrochemicals and fuels marketing projects with
        foreign participation in China.

    First Quarter 2007 vs. First Quarter 2006

Upstream earnings were $6,041 million, down $342 million from the first quarter of 2006 primarily reflecting lower realizations and decreased natural gas volumes driven by lower European demand.

On an oil-equivalent basis, production decreased by 3% from the first quarter of 2006. Excluding the cumulative impact of entitlements and divestments, as well as OPEC quota effects, production was up almost 1%.

Liquids production of 2,747 kbd (thousands of barrels per day) was 49 kbd higher. Increased production from projects in West Africa, Russia and the Middle East were partly offset by mature field decline and the cumulative impact of entitlements and divestments. Excluding cumulative entitlement and divestment effects, as well as OPEC quota impacts, liquids production increased by 7%.

First quarter natural gas production was 10,131 mcfd (millions of cubic feet per day) compared with 11,175 mcfd last year. The impact of mature field decline and the reduction of European demand by about 1,400 mcfd due to weather were partly offset by higher volumes from projects in Qatar.

Earnings from U.S. Upstream operations were $1,177 million, $103 million lower than the first quarter of 2006. Non-U.S. Upstream earnings were $4,864 million, down $239 million from 2006.

Downstream earnings were $1,912 million, up $641 million from the first quarter 2006, driven by higher refining and marketing margins and improved refinery throughput. Petroleum product sales were 7,198 kbd, 21 kbd higher than last year's first quarter.

U.S. Downstream earnings were $839 million, up $160 million from the first quarter of 2006. Non-U.S. Downstream earnings of $1,073 million were $481 million higher.

Chemical earnings were $1,236 million, up $287 million from the first quarter of 2006 due to improved margins. Prime product sales of 6,805 kt (thousands of metric tons) in the first quarter of 2007 were down 111 kt from the prior year.

Corporate and financing earnings were $91 million, up $294 million, mainly due to tax items.

During the first quarter of 2007, Exxon Mobil Corporation (NYSE:XOM) purchased 108 million shares of its common stock for the treasury at a gross cost of $8.0 billion. These purchases included $7.0 billion to reduce the number of shares outstanding and the balance to offset shares issued in conjunction with the company's benefit plans and programs. Shares outstanding were reduced from 5,729 million at the end of the fourth quarter to 5,633 million at the end of the first quarter. Purchases may be made in both the open market and through negotiated transactions, and may be increased, decreased or discontinued at any time without prior notice.

ExxonMobil will discuss financial and operating results and other matters on a webcast at 10 a.m. Central time on April 26, 2007. To listen to the event live or in archive, go to our website at "exxonmobil.com."

Statements in this release relating to future plans, projections, events or conditions are forward-looking statements. Actual results, including project plans and related expenditures, resource recoveries, timing and capacities, could differ materially due to changes in long-term oil or gas prices or other market conditions affecting the oil and gas industry; political events or disturbances; reservoir performance; the outcome of commercial negotiations; potential liability resulting from pending or future litigation; wars and acts of terrorism or sabotage; changes in technical or operating conditions; and other factors discussed under the heading "Factors Affecting Future Results" on our website and in Item 1A of ExxonMobil's 2006 Form 10-K. We assume no duty to update these statements as of any future date.

Consistent with previous practice this press release includes both net income and earnings excluding special items. Earnings that exclude special items are a non-GAAP financial measure and are included to help facilitate comparisons of base business performance across periods. A reconciliation to net income is shown in Attachment II. The release also includes cash flow from operations and asset sales. Because of the regular nature of our asset management and divestment program, we believe it is useful for investors to consider sales proceeds together with cash provided by operating activities when evaluating cash available for investment in the business and financing activities. Calculation of this cash flow is shown in Attachment II. Further information on ExxonMobil's frequently used financial and operating measures is contained on pages 32 and 33 in the 2006 Form 10-K and is also available through the Investor Information section of our website at "exxonmobil.com."

                                                          Attachment I

                       EXXON MOBIL CORPORATION
                          FIRST QUARTER 2007
                 (millions of dollars, unless noted)
                                                       First Quarter
                                                      2007     2006
                                                     -------- --------
Earnings / Earnings Per Share

  Total revenues and other income                     87,223   88,980
  Total costs and other deductions                    71,159   73,521
  Income before income taxes                          16,064   15,459
    Income taxes                                       6,784    7,059
  Net income (U.S. GAAP)                               9,280    8,400

  Net income per common share (dollars)                 1.64     1.38

  Net income per common share
  - assuming dilution (dollars)                         1.62     1.37

Other Financial Data

  Dividends on common stock
    Total                                              1,825    1,957
    Per common share (dollars)                          0.32     0.32

  Millions of common shares outstanding
    At March 31                                        5,633    6,050
    Average - assuming dilution                        5,714    6,126

  Shareholders' equity at March 31                   114,110  112,463
  Capital employed at March 31                       124,266  122,286

  Income taxes                                         6,784    7,059
  Sales-based taxes                                    7,284    7,664
  All other taxes                                     10,408    9,747
    Total taxes                                       24,476   24,470

  ExxonMobil's share of income taxes of equity
   companies                                             573      521
                                                         Attachment II

                       EXXON MOBIL CORPORATION
                          FIRST QUARTER 2007
                        (millions of dollars)
                                                         First Quarter
                                                         2007   2006
                                                         ------ ------
Net Income (U.S. GAAP)
  United States                                          1,177  1,280
  Non-U.S.                                               4,864  5,103
  United States                                            839    679
  Non-U.S.                                               1,073    592
  United States                                            346    329
  Non-U.S.                                                 890    620
Corporate and financing                                     91   (203)
Corporate total                                          9,280  8,400
Special Items
  United States                                              0      0
  Non-U.S.                                                   0      0
  United States                                              0      0
  Non-U.S.                                                   0      0
  United States                                              0      0
  Non-U.S.                                                   0      0
Corporate and financing                                      0      0
Corporate total                                              0      0
Earnings Excluding Special Items
  United States                                          1,177  1,280
  Non-U.S.                                               4,864  5,103
  United States                                            839    679
  Non-U.S.                                               1,073    592
  United States                                            346    329
  Non-U.S.                                                 890    620
Corporate and financing                                     91   (203)
Corporate total                                          9,280  8,400
-------------------------------------------------------- ------ ------
Cash flow from operations and asset sales (billions of
Net cash provided by operating activities (U.S. GAAP)     14.3   14.6
Sales of subsidiaries, investments and property, plant
 and equipment                                             0.5    0.4
Cash flow from operations and asset sales                 14.8   15.0
                                                        Attachment III

                       EXXON MOBIL CORPORATION
                          FIRST QUARTER 2007

                                                        First Quarter
                                                        2007    2006
                                                       ------- -------
Net production of crude oil and natural gas liquids,
 thousands of barrels daily (kbd)
    United States                                         417     442
    Canada                                                297     332
    Europe                                                523     563
    Africa                                                782     741
    Asia Pacific/Middle East                              508     467
    Russia/Caspian                                        186     114
    Other                                                  34      39
        Worldwide                                       2,747   2,698

Natural gas production available for sale, millions of
 cubic feet daily (mcfd)
    United States                                       1,529   1,690
    Canada                                                774     882
    Europe                                              4,611   5,970
    Asia Pacific/Middle East                            2,998   2,462
    Russia/Caspian                                        116      82
    Other                                                 103      89
        Worldwide                                      10,131  11,175

Oil-equivalent production (koebd)(1)                    4,436   4,560

(1)Gas converted to oil-equivalent at 6 million cubic feet = 1
 thousand barrels
                                                         Attachment IV

                       EXXON MOBIL CORPORATION
                          FIRST QUARTER 2007

                                                         First Quarter
                                                         2007   2006
                                                         ------ ------
Refinery throughput (kbd)
    United States                                        1,798  1,716
    Canada                                                 441    486
    Europe                                               1,641  1,645
    Asia Pacific                                         1,504  1,465
    Other                                                  321    236
        Worldwide                                        5,705  5,548

Petroleum product sales (kbd)(1)
    United States                                        2,774  2,651
    Canada                                                 449    484
    Europe                                               1,812  1,797
    Asia Pacific                                         1,428  1,527
    Other                                                  735    718
        Worldwide                                        7,198  7,177

    Gasolines, naphthas                                  2,858  2,735
    Heating oils, kerosene, diesel                       2,220  2,244
    Aviation fuels                                         633    634
    Heavy fuels                                            701    685
    Specialty products                                     786    879
        Worldwide                                        7,198  7,177

Chemical prime product sales, thousands of metric tons
    United States                                        2,731  2,620
    Non-U.S.                                             4,074  4,296
        Worldwide                                        6,805  6,916

(1) Petroleum product sales data is reported net of purchases/sales
 contracts with the same counterparty.
                                                          Attachment V

                       EXXON MOBIL CORPORATION
                          FIRST QUARTER 2007
                        (millions of dollars)

                                                         First Quarter
                                                          2007   2006
                                                         ------ ------
Capital and Exploration Expenditures
    United States                                          466    548
    Non-U.S.                                             3,003  3,539
    Total                                                3,469  4,087
    United States                                          212    162
    Non-U.S.                                               319    419
    Total                                                  531    581
    United States                                           84     63
    Non-U.S.                                               188     81
    Total                                                  272    144

  Other                                                      3     12

  Worldwide                                              4,275  4,824

Exploration expenses charged to income included above
  Consolidated affiliates
    United States                                           89     63
    Non-U.S.                                               179    214
  Equity companies - ExxonMobil share
    United States                                            1      0
    Non-U.S.                                                 2      3
  Worldwide                                                271    280
                                                         Attachment VI

                       EXXON MOBIL CORPORATION
                              NET INCOME

                                                          $ Per Common
                                             $ Millions       Share
                                           -------------- ------------

First Quarter                                      7,040         1.05
Second Quarter                                     4,170         0.63
Third Quarter                                      3,650         0.55
Fourth Quarter                                     6,650         1.01
      Year                                        21,510         3.24

First Quarter                                      5,440         0.83
Second Quarter                                     5,790         0.89
Third Quarter                                      5,680         0.88
Fourth Quarter                                     8,420         1.31
      Year                                        25,330         3.91

First Quarter                                      7,860         1.23
Second Quarter                                     7,640         1.21
Third Quarter                                      9,920         1.60
Fourth Quarter                                    10,710         1.72
      Year                                        36,130         5.76

First Quarter                                      8,400         1.38
Second Quarter                                    10,360         1.74
Third Quarter                                     10,490         1.79
Fourth Quarter                                    10,250         1.77
      Year                                        39,500         6.68

First Quarter                                      9,280         1.64

Source: Exxon Mobil Corporation