ExxonMobil Corporate Citizenship Report Outlines Improvements in Environmental, Economic & Social Performance


Exxon Mobil Corporation (NYSE:XOM) improved its environmental, economic and social performance while continuing to supply energy necessary for economic growth and improved living standards, the corporation said today in its 2007 Corporate Citizenship Report.

The report details how ExxonMobil reduced greenhouse gas emissions, led the industry in worker safety and oil-spill prevention, and contributed more than eight times its earnings -- a record $336 billion -- to economies around the world through taxes and purchases of goods and services.

"We are proud of our financial and operating results, but we are equally proud of our culture of integrity and commitment to act in a safe and responsible manner towards employees, the environment and local communities," said Rex W. Tillerson, chairman and chief executive officer.

"How we achieve our results is every bit as important as the results themselves."

ExxonMobil is working on technologies with the potential for near-term impact on greenhouse gas emissions, while at the same time looking for breakthrough technologies for the future.

    Near-term initiatives include:

    --  Investing more than $100 million on improving natural gas
        treating technology, which could reduce costs for carbon
        capture and storage.

    --  Working with manufacturers of automobiles and commercial
        industrial vehicles to increase fuel economy by as much as 30

    --  Helping to enable the next generation of lower-emission hybrid
        and electric vehicles through the development of new film
        technologies to greatly enhance the power, safety and
        reliability of lithium-ion batteries.

    --  Conducting research and development of an on-vehicle hydrogen
        production system, which has the potential to improve vehicle
        efficiency by up to 80 percent while improving safety and
        eliminating the need for a hydrogen distribution

    Longer-term initiatives include:

    --  Conducting internal research and supporting academic research
        to accelerate development of commercially viable energy
        technologies to lower emissions on a global scale -- such as
        hydrogen production, storage and use; biomass and solar
        energy; carbon dioxide capture and storage, and advanced
        transportation and coal technologies.

    --  Partnering with the European Commission to study carbon
        capture and storage in the CO2ReMoVe program, a research
        initiative to establish scientific monitoring systems and
        determine the reliability of geological carbon dioxide

The Corporate Citizenship Report details ExxonMobil's commitment in five areas - environmental performance, workplace, corporate governance, transparency and human rights and community development. The report is available at www.exxonmobil.com.

    Other highlights include:

    --  A record low rate of lost time safety incidents for the
        company's combined employee and contractor workforce,
        continuing ExxonMobil's industry-leading safety record.

    --  Industry-leading oil spill prevention results, including no
        spills from ExxonMobil-operated marine vessels for the third
        consecutive year.

    --  Community investment spending of more than $206 million, which
        included $12.4 million in grants through ExxonMobil's Africa
        Health Initiative and more than $6 million through the
        company's Educating Women and Girls Initiative. In addition,
        ExxonMobil became a founding sponsor and committed $125
        million to the National Math and Science Initiative as part of
        the corporation's continued commitment to math and science

The Corporate Citizenship Report was prepared in accordance with the reporting guidelines and indicators of the International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association and the American Petroleum Institute Oil and Gas Industry Guidance on Sustainability Reporting. The majority of these indicators are also consistent with the indicators used by the Global Reporting Initiative in the G3 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines Version 3.0.

Source: Exxon Mobil Corporation