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2020 FINANCIAL AND OPERATING DATA c Ontent S Fin Anci AL HiGHLiGHtS ........................................................................................................................... 1 Pr Ove D OiL An D GAS re Serve S ...................................................................................................... 23 KeY Fin Anci AL r Ati OS ............................................................................................................................ 2 2020 reS erveS c HAn GeS BY re GiOn ............................................................................................. 25 DiviD enD A nD SHA re HOLDer ret Urn inFO rm Ati On .......................................................... 3 Pr Ove D OiL An D GAS re Serve S cHA n GeS – BY t YPe ........................................................... 26 Aver AGe c APit AL emPLOYeD BY BUSine SS.................................................................................. 4 tHr OUGHPUt , c APAcit Y, AnD UtiL iZAti On .............................................................................. 27 ret Urn O n A ver AGe c APit AL emPLOYeD BY BUSine SS ........................................................ 5 r eFinin G c APAcit Y At Y eAr-en D 2020 ......................................................................................... 28 c APit AL AnD e XPLOr Ati On eXPenD it Ure S ................................................................................ 6 Petr OLeUm Pr ODUct SAL eS BY GeOGr APHic A re A ............................................................ 29 t Ot AL c APit AL An D eXPLOr Ati On eXPen Dit Ure S BY GeOGr APHY ................................ 7 ret AiL Site S ............................................................................................................................................... 31 DiStriBUti On OF c APit AL AnD e XPLOr Ati On eXPenD it Ure S ........................................... 8 LAr Ge/inte Gr Ate D cHemic AL c OmPLeX Pr ODUcti On c APAcit Y FUncti On AL eArnin GS ......................................................................................................................... 9 At Y eAr -en D 2020 .......................................................................................................................... 32 net inve Stment in Pr OPert Y, PLAnt AnD e QUiPment At YeAr enD ........................ 10 OtHer cHemic AL mAn UFAct Urin G LOc Ati On S At YeAr -enD 2020 ............................. 33 DePreci Ati On An D DePLeti On eXPen SeS ................................................................................. 11 c Hemic AL v OLUmeS ............................................................................................................................. 34 OPer Atin G c OSt S ................................................................................................................................... 12 2020 eXPLOr Ati On OPPO rt Unit Y c APt Ure S ........................................................................... 35 SUmmAr Y St Atement OF inc Ome ................................................................................................. 13 UPStre Am POrtFOL iO – n OrtH Americ A................................................................................. 36 SUmmAr Y BALAnce SH eet A t Y eAr en D .................................................................................... 14 UPStre Am POrtFOL iO – SOUtH Americ A ................................................................................ 38 SUmmAr Y St Atement OF c ASH FLOWS ...................................................................................... 15 UPStre Am POrtFOL iO – eUr OPe ................................................................................................... 39 OiL AnD GAS e XPLOr Ati On AnD P r ODUcti On eArnin GS ................................................ 16 UPStre Am POrt FOLiO – AFric A .................................................................................................... 40 c OSt S inc Urre D in Pr OPert Y Ac QUiSiti On S, eXPLOr Ati On , UPStre Am POrtFOL iO – ASiA/miDDLe e ASt ............................................................................. 42 AnD D eve LOPment Activitie S .............................................................................................. 18 UPStre Am POrtFOL iO – AUStr ALiA/Oce Ani A ....................................................................... 43 net c APit ALiZeD c OSt S At Y eAr en D .......................................................................................... 19 KeY Pr OJectS: D OWnS tre Am ........................................................................................................ 44 net LiQUiDS Pr ODUcti On ................................................................................................................. 20 KeY Pr OJectS: cH emic AL ................................................................................................................... 45 net n At Ur AL GAS Pr ODUcti On A v AiLABLe FOr SAL e........................................................ 21 KeY Pr OJectS: UPS tre Am ................................................................................................................ 46 nA tU r AL GAS SALeS .............................................................................................................................. 22 Fre QUentLY US eD term S ................................................................................................................... 47 Cautionary Statement • Statements that reference future events or conditions in this document are forward-looking statements. Actual future results, including financial and operating performance; resource recoveries; project plans, timing, costs, and capacities; future debt levels and distributions; and the outcome of litigation and other contingencies, could differ materially due to a number of factors. t hese include global or regional changes in the supply and demand for oil, natural gas, petrochemicals, and feedstocks and other market conditions that impact prices and differentials; actions of competitors and commercial counterparties; reservoir performance; the outcome of exploration projects and timely completion of development and construction projects; changes in law, taxes, or regulation including environmental regulations, and timely granting of government permits; war, trade agreements and patterns, political or security disturbances; opportunities for and regulatory approval of potential investments or divestments; unforeseen technical or operating difficulties; the development and competitiveness of alternative energy and emission reduction technologies; the results of research programs; general economic conditions including the occurrence and duration of economic recessions; and other factors discussed under item 1a. r isk Factors in exxonmobil’s 2020 Form 10-K and under the heading “Factors Affecting Future r esults” on the investors page of our website at exxonmobil.com. Frequently Used Terms and Non-GAAP Measures • Definitions of certain financial and operating measures and other terms used in this document and, where applicable, reconciliation or other information required by Sec r egulation G are contained in the section titled “Frequently Used t erms” on pages 47 through 50 of this document and under the caption “Frequently Used t erms” in the “investors” section of our website at exxonmobil. com. t hese terms and measures may not be comparable to similarly titled measures used by other companies.2020 FINANCIAL AND OPERATING DATA c Ontent S Fin Anci AL HiGHLiGHtS .......................................................................................................................... 1 Pr Ove D OiL An D GAS re Serve S ...................................................................................................... 23 KeY Fin Anci AL r Ati OS ............................................................................................................................ 2 2020 reS erveS c HAn GeS BY re GiOn ............................................................................................. 25 DiviD enD A nD SHA re HOLDer ret Urn inFO rm Ati On .......................................................... 3 Pr Ove D OiL An D GAS re Serve S cHA n GeS – BY t YPe ........................................................... 26 Aver AGe c APit AL emPLOYeD BY BUSine SS.................................................................................. 4 tHr OUGHPUt , c APAcit Y, AnD UtiL iZAti On .............................................................................. 27 ret Urn O n A ver AGe c APit AL emPLOYeD BY BUSine SS ........................................................ 5 r eFinin G c APAcit Y At Y eAr-en D 2020 ......................................................................................... 28 c APit AL AnD e XPLOr Ati On eXPenD it Ure S ................................................................................ 6 Petr OLeUm Pr ODUct SAL eS BY GeOGr APHic A re A ............................................................ 29 t Ot AL c APit AL An D eXPLOr Ati On eXPen Dit Ure S BY GeOGr APHY ................................ 7 ret AiL Site S ............................................................................................................................................... 31 DiStriBUti On OF c APit AL AnD e XPLOr Ati On eXPenD it Ure S ........................................... 8 LAr Ge/inte Gr Ate D cHemic AL c OmPLeX Pr ODUcti On c APAcit Y FUncti On AL eArnin GS ......................................................................................................................... 9 At Y eAr -en D 2020 .......................................................................................................................... 32 net inve Stment in Pr OPert Y, PLAnt AnD e QUiPment At YeAr enD ........................ 10 OtHer cHemic AL mAn UFAct Urin G LOc Ati On S At YeAr -enD 2020 ............................. 33 DePreci Ati On An D DePLeti On eXPen SeS ................................................................................. 11 c Hemic AL v OLUmeS ............................................................................................................................. 34 OPer Atin G c OSt S ................................................................................................................................... 12 2020 eXPLOr Ati On OPPO rt Unit Y c APt Ure S ........................................................................... 35 SUmmAr Y St Atement OF inc Ome ................................................................................................. 13 UPStre Am POrtFOL iO – n OrtH Americ A................................................................................. 36 SUmmAr Y BALAnce SH eet A t Y eAr en D .................................................................................... 14 UPStre Am POrtFOL iO – SOUtH Americ A ................................................................................ 38 SUmmAr Y St Atement OF c ASH FLOWS ...................................................................................... 15 UPStre Am POrtFOL iO – eUr OPe ................................................................................................... 39 OiL AnD GAS e XPLOr Ati On AnD P r ODUcti On eArnin GS ................................................ 16 UPStre Am POrt FOLiO – AFric A .................................................................................................... 40 c OSt S inc Urre D in Pr OPert Y Ac QUiSiti On S, eXPLOr Ati On , UPStre Am POrtFOL iO – ASiA/miDDLe e ASt ............................................................................. 42 AnD D eve LOPment Activitie S .............................................................................................. 18 UPStre Am POrtFOL iO – AUStr ALiA/Oce Ani A ....................................................................... 43 net c APit ALiZeD c OSt S At Y eAr en D .......................................................................................... 19 KeY Pr OJectS: D OWnS tre Am ........................................................................................................ 44 net LiQUiDS Pr ODUcti On ................................................................................................................. 20 KeY Pr OJectS: cH emic AL ................................................................................................................... 45 net n At Ur AL GAS Pr ODUcti On A v AiLABLe FOr SAL e........................................................ 21 KeY Pr OJectS: UPS tre Am ................................................................................................................ 46 nA tU r AL GAS SALeS .............................................................................................................................. 22 Fre QUentLY US eD term S ................................................................................................................... 47 Cautionary Statement • Statements that reference future events or conditions in this document are forward-looking statements. Actual future results, including financial and operating performance; resource recoveries; project plans, timing, costs, and capacities; future debt levels and distributions; and the outcome of litigation and other contingencies, could differ materially due to a number of factors. t hese include global or regional changes in the supply and demand for oil, natural gas, petrochemicals, and feedstocks and other market conditions that impact prices and differentials; actions of competitors and commercial counterparties; reservoir performance; the outcome of exploration projects and timely completion of development and construction projects; changes in law, taxes, or regulation including environmental regulations, and timely granting of government permits; war, trade agreements and patterns, political or security disturbances; opportunities for and regulatory approval of potential investments or divestments; unforeseen technical or operating difficulties; the development and competitiveness of alternative energy and emission reduction technologies; the results of research programs; general economic conditions including the occurrence and duration of economic recessions; and other factors discussed under item 1a. r isk Factors in exxonmobil’s 2020 Form 10-K and under the heading “Factors Affecting Future r esults” on the investors page of our website at exxonmobil.com. Frequently Used Terms and Non-GAAP Measures • Definitions of certain financial and operating measures and other terms used in this document and, where applicable, reconciliation or other information required by Sec r egulation G are contained in the section titled “Frequently Used t erms” on pages 47 through 50 of this document and under the caption “Frequently Used t erms” in the “investors” section of our website at exxonmobil. com. t hese terms and measures may not be comparable to similarly titled measures used by other companies.

e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS (millions of dollars, unless noted) 2020 2019 2018 Net income (loss) attributable to ExxonMobil (22,440) 14,340 20,840 1 Cash flow from operations and asset sales 15,667 33,408 40,137 1 Capital and exploration expenditures 21,374 31,148 25,923 Research and development costs 1,016 1,214 1,116 Total debt at year end 67,640 46,920 37,796 1 Average capital employed 234,031 236,603 232,374 Market valuation at year end 174,505 295,431 288,892 Regular employees at year end (thousands) 72.0 74.9 71.0 1 See Frequently Used Terms attached at the end of this document. 1e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS (millions of dollars, unless noted) 2020 2019 2018 Net income (loss) attributable to ExxonMobil (22,440) 14,340 20,840 1 Cash flow from operations and asset sales 15,667 33,408 40,137 1 Capital and exploration expenditures 21,374 31,148 25,923 Research and development costs 1,016 1,214 1,116 Total debt at year end 67,640 46,920 37,796 1 Average capital employed 234,031 236,603 232,374 Market valuation at year end 174,505 295,431 288,892 Regular employees at year end (thousands) 72.0 74.9 71.0 1 See Frequently Used Terms attached at the end of this document. 1

e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S KEY FINANCIAL RATIOS 2020 2019 2018 1 Return on average capital employed (percent) (9.3) 6.5 9.2 Earnings (Loss) to average ExxonMobil share of equity (percent) (12.9) 7.5 11.0 2 Debt to capital (percent) 29.2 19.1 16.0 3 Net debt to capital (percent) 27.8 18.1 14.9 Ratio of current assets to current liabilities (times) 0.80 0.78 0.84 1 See Frequently Used Terms attached at the end of this document. 2 Debt includes short-term and long-term debt. Capital includes short-term and long-term debt and total equity. 3 Debt net of cash and cash equivalents, excluding restricted cash. 2e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S KEY FINANCIAL RATIOS 2020 2019 2018 1 Return on average capital employed (percent) (9.3) 6.5 9.2 Earnings (Loss) to average ExxonMobil share of equity (percent) (12.9) 7.5 11.0 2 Debt to capital (percent) 29.2 19.1 16.0 3 Net debt to capital (percent) 27.8 18.1 14.9 Ratio of current assets to current liabilities (times) 0.80 0.78 0.84 1 See Frequently Used Terms attached at the end of this document. 2 Debt includes short-term and long-term debt. Capital includes short-term and long-term debt and total equity. 3 Debt net of cash and cash equivalents, excluding restricted cash. 2

e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S DIVIDEND AND SHAREHOLDER RETURN INFORMATION 2020 2019 2018 Dividends per common share (dollars) 3.48 3.43 3.23 Dividends per share growth (annual percent) 1.5 6.2 5.6 Number of common shares outstanding (millions) Average 4,271 4,270 4,270 Average – assuming dilution 4,271 4,270 4,270 Year end 4,233 4,234 4,237 1 Total shareholder return (annual percent) (36.0) 7.2 (15.1 ) Common stock acquired (millions of dollars) 405 594 626 Market quotations for common stock (dollars) High 71.37 83.49 89.30 Low 30.11 66.31 64.65 Average daily close 44.52 73.73 79.96 Year-end close 41.22 69.78 68.19 1 See Frequently Used Terms attached at the end of this document. 3e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S DIVIDEND AND SHAREHOLDER RETURN INFORMATION 2020 2019 2018 Dividends per common share (dollars) 3.48 3.43 3.23 Dividends per share growth (annual percent) 1.5 6.2 5.6 Number of common shares outstanding (millions) Average 4,271 4,270 4,270 Average – assuming dilution 4,271 4,270 4,270 Year end 4,233 4,234 4,237 1 Total shareholder return (annual percent) (36.0) 7.2 (15.1 ) Common stock acquired (millions of dollars) 405 594 626 Market quotations for common stock (dollars) High 71.37 83.49 89.30 Low 30.11 66.31 64.65 Average daily close 44.52 73.73 79.96 Year-end close 41.22 69.78 68.19 1 See Frequently Used Terms attached at the end of this document. 3

e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S 1, 2 AVERAGE CAPITAL EMPLOYED BY BUSINESS (millions of dollars) 2020 2019 2018 Upstream United States 65,780 72,152 69,981 Non-U.S. 107,506 107,271 107,893 Total 173,286 179,423 177,874 Downstream United States 11,472 9,515 8,725 Non-U.S. 18,682 18,518 17,015 Total 30,154 28,033 25,740 Chemical United States 14,436 13,196 12,171 Non-U.S. 17,600 18,113 18,249 Total 32,036 31,309 30,420 Corporate and Financing (1,445) (2,162) (1,660) Corporate total 234,031 236,603 232,374 Average capital employed applicable to equity companies included above 42,232 40,322 38,150 1 Average capital employed is the average of beginning-of-year and end-of-year business segment capital employed, including ExxonMobil’s share of amounts applicable to equity companies. 2 See Frequently Used Terms attached at the end of this document. 4e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S 1, 2 AVERAGE CAPITAL EMPLOYED BY BUSINESS (millions of dollars) 2020 2019 2018 Upstream United States 65,780 72,152 69,981 Non-U.S. 107,506 107,271 107,893 Total 173,286 179,423 177,874 Downstream United States 11,472 9,515 8,725 Non-U.S. 18,682 18,518 17,015 Total 30,154 28,033 25,740 Chemical United States 14,436 13,196 12,171 Non-U.S. 17,600 18,113 18,249 Total 32,036 31,309 30,420 Corporate and Financing (1,445) (2,162) (1,660) Corporate total 234,031 236,603 232,374 Average capital employed applicable to equity companies included above 42,232 40,322 38,150 1 Average capital employed is the average of beginning-of-year and end-of-year business segment capital employed, including ExxonMobil’s share of amounts applicable to equity companies. 2 See Frequently Used Terms attached at the end of this document. 4

e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S 1 RETURN ON AVERAGE CAPITAL EMPLOYED BY BUSINESS (percent) 2020 2019 2018 Upstream United States (29.5) 0.7 2.5 Non-U.S. (0.6) 13.0 11.4 Total (11.6) 8.0 7.9 Downstream United States (7.4) 18.0 33.9 Non-U.S. (1.2) 3.3 17.9 Total (3.6) 8.3 23.3 Chemical United States 8.8 1.6 13.5 Non-U.S. 3.9 2.1 9.4 Total 6.1 1.9 11.0 Corporate and Financing N.A. N.A. N.A. Corporate total (9.3) 6.5 9.2 1 See Frequently Used Terms attached at the end of this document. 5e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S 1 RETURN ON AVERAGE CAPITAL EMPLOYED BY BUSINESS (percent) 2020 2019 2018 Upstream United States (29.5) 0.7 2.5 Non-U.S. (0.6) 13.0 11.4 Total (11.6) 8.0 7.9 Downstream United States (7.4) 18.0 33.9 Non-U.S. (1.2) 3.3 17.9 Total (3.6) 8.3 23.3 Chemical United States 8.8 1.6 13.5 Non-U.S. 3.9 2.1 9.4 Total 6.1 1.9 11.0 Corporate and Financing N.A. N.A. N.A. Corporate total (9.3) 6.5 9.2 1 See Frequently Used Terms attached at the end of this document. 5

e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S 1 CAPITAL AND EXPLORATION EXPENDITURES (millions of dollars) 2020 2019 2018 Upstream United States 6,817 11,653 7,670 Non-U.S. 7,614 11,832 12,524 Total Upstream 14,431 23,485 20,194 Downstream United States 2,344 2,353 1,186 Non-U.S. 1,877 2,018 2,243 Total Downstream 4,221 4,371 3,429 Chemical United States 2,002 2,547 1,747 Non-U.S. 714 718 488 Total Chemical 2,716 3,265 2,235 Other United States 6 27 65 Non-U.S. – – – Total other 6 27 65 Total capital and exploration expenditures 21,374 31,148 25,923 1 See Frequently Used Terms attached at the end of this document. 6e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S 1 CAPITAL AND EXPLORATION EXPENDITURES (millions of dollars) 2020 2019 2018 Upstream United States 6,817 11,653 7,670 Non-U.S. 7,614 11,832 12,524 Total Upstream 14,431 23,485 20,194 Downstream United States 2,344 2,353 1,186 Non-U.S. 1,877 2,018 2,243 Total Downstream 4,221 4,371 3,429 Chemical United States 2,002 2,547 1,747 Non-U.S. 714 718 488 Total Chemical 2,716 3,265 2,235 Other United States 6 27 65 Non-U.S. – – – Total other 6 27 65 Total capital and exploration expenditures 21,374 31,148 25,923 1 See Frequently Used Terms attached at the end of this document. 6

e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S 1 TOTAL CAPITAL AND EXPLORATION EXPENDITURES BY GEOGRAPHY (millions of dollars) 2020 2019 2018 United States 11,169 16,580 10,668 Canada/Other Americas 3,007 4,666 5,390 Europe 1,071 1,315 2,269 Africa 1,300 2,237 1,662 Asia 4,262 5,585 5,184 Australia/Oceania 565 765 750 Total worldwide 21,374 31,148 25,923 1 See Frequently Used Terms attached at the end of this document. 7e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S 1 TOTAL CAPITAL AND EXPLORATION EXPENDITURES BY GEOGRAPHY (millions of dollars) 2020 2019 2018 United States 11,169 16,580 10,668 Canada/Other Americas 3,007 4,666 5,390 Europe 1,071 1,315 2,269 Africa 1,300 2,237 1,662 Asia 4,262 5,585 5,184 Australia/Oceania 565 765 750 Total worldwide 21,374 31,148 25,923 1 See Frequently Used Terms attached at the end of this document. 7

e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S 1 DISTRIBUTION OF CAPITAL AND EXPLORATION EXPENDITURES (millions of dollars) 2020 2019 2018 Consolidated companies’ expenditures Capital expenditures 16,329 23,980 20,434 Exploration costs charged to expense United States 51 119 236 Non-U.S. 1,233 1,150 1,230 2 Depreciation on support equipment 1 – – Total exploration expenses 1,285 1,269 1,466 Total consolidated companies’ capital and exploration expenditures (excluding depreciation on support equipment) 17,613 25,249 21,900 ExxonMobil’s share of non-consolidated companies’ expenditures Capital expenditures 3,759 5,894 4,013 3 Exploration costs charged to expense 2 5 10 Total non-consolidated companies’ capital and exploration expenditures 3,761 5,899 4,023 Total capital and exploration expenditures 21,374 31,148 25,923 1 See Frequently Used Terms attached at the end of this document. 2 Not included as part of total capital and exploration expenditures, but included as part of Exploration expenses, including dry holes, in the Summary statement of income, page 13. 3 Excludes equity company depreciation on support equipment. 8e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S 1 DISTRIBUTION OF CAPITAL AND EXPLORATION EXPENDITURES (millions of dollars) 2020 2019 2018 Consolidated companies’ expenditures Capital expenditures 16,329 23,980 20,434 Exploration costs charged to expense United States 51 119 236 Non-U.S. 1,233 1,150 1,230 2 Depreciation on support equipment 1 – – Total exploration expenses 1,285 1,269 1,466 Total consolidated companies’ capital and exploration expenditures (excluding depreciation on support equipment) 17,613 25,249 21,900 ExxonMobil’s share of non-consolidated companies’ expenditures Capital expenditures 3,759 5,894 4,013 3 Exploration costs charged to expense 2 5 10 Total non-consolidated companies’ capital and exploration expenditures 3,761 5,899 4,023 Total capital and exploration expenditures 21,374 31,148 25,923 1 See Frequently Used Terms attached at the end of this document. 2 Not included as part of total capital and exploration expenditures, but included as part of Exploration expenses, including dry holes, in the Summary statement of income, page 13. 3 Excludes equity company depreciation on support equipment. 8

e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S 1 FUNCTIONAL EARNINGS (millions of dollars) 2020 quarters Earnings (Loss) (U.S. GAAP) First Second Third Fourth 2020 2019 2018 Upstream United States (704) (1,197) (681) (16,803) (19,385) 536 1,739 Non-U.S. 1,240 (454) 298 (1,729) (645) 13,906 12,340 Total 536 (1,651) (383) (18,532) (20,030) 14,442 14,079 Downstream United States (101) (101) (136) (514) (852) 1,717 2,962 Non-U.S. (510) 1,077 (95) (697) (225) 606 3,048 Total (611) 976 (231) (1,211) (1,077) 2,323 6,010 Chemical United States 288 171 357 461 1,277 206 1,642 Non-U.S. (144) 296 304 230 686 386 1,709 Total 144 467 661 691 1,963 592 3,351 Corporate and Financing (679) (872) (727) (1,018) (3,296) (3,017) (2,600) Net income (loss) attributable to ExxonMobil (U.S. GAAP) (610) (1,080) (680) (20,070) (22,440 14,340 20,840 ) 1 Net income (loss) attributable to ExxonMobil (U.S. GAAP) corresponds to the Summary statement of income on page 13. Unless indi cated, references to earnings (loss) and Upstream, Downstream, Chemical, and Corporate and Financing segment earnings (loss) are ExxonMobil’s share after excluding amounts attributable to noncontrolling interests. 9e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S 1 FUNCTIONAL EARNINGS (millions of dollars) 2020 quarters Earnings (Loss) (U.S. GAAP) First Second Third Fourth 2020 2019 2018 Upstream United States (704) (1,197) (681) (16,803) (19,385) 536 1,739 Non-U.S. 1,240 (454) 298 (1,729) (645) 13,906 12,340 Total 536 (1,651) (383) (18,532) (20,030) 14,442 14,079 Downstream United States (101) (101) (136) (514) (852) 1,717 2,962 Non-U.S. (510) 1,077 (95) (697) (225) 606 3,048 Total (611) 976 (231) (1,211) (1,077) 2,323 6,010 Chemical United States 288 171 357 461 1,277 206 1,642 Non-U.S. (144) 296 304 230 686 386 1,709 Total 144 467 661 691 1,963 592 3,351 Corporate and Financing (679) (872) (727) (1,018) (3,296) (3,017) (2,600) Net income (loss) attributable to ExxonMobil (U.S. GAAP) (610) (1,080) (680) (20,070) (22,440 14,340 20,840 ) 1 Net income (loss) attributable to ExxonMobil (U.S. GAAP) corresponds to the Summary statement of income on page 13. Unless indi cated, references to earnings (loss) and Upstream, Downstream, Chemical, and Corporate and Financing segment earnings (loss) are ExxonMobil’s share after excluding amounts attributable to noncontrolling interests. 9

e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S NET INVESTMENT IN PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT AT YEAR END (millions of dollars) 2020 2019 2018 Upstream United States 63,350 86,123 82,341 Non-U.S. 104,122 110,644 112,321 Total 167,472 196,767 194,662 Downstream United States 14,239 11,716 9,770 Non-U.S. 13,477 12,790 11,678 Total 27,716 24,506 21,448 Chemical United States 11,250 10,610 9,832 Non-U.S. 10,674 10,650 10,719 Total 21,924 21,260 20,551 Other 10,441 10,485 10,440 Total net investment 227,553 253,018 247,101 10e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S NET INVESTMENT IN PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT AT YEAR END (millions of dollars) 2020 2019 2018 Upstream United States 63,350 86,123 82,341 Non-U.S. 104,122 110,644 112,321 Total 167,472 196,767 194,662 Downstream United States 14,239 11,716 9,770 Non-U.S. 13,477 12,790 11,678 Total 27,716 24,506 21,448 Chemical United States 11,250 10,610 9,832 Non-U.S. 10,674 10,650 10,719 Total 21,924 21,260 20,551 Other 10,441 10,485 10,440 Total net investment 227,553 253,018 247,101 10

e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S DEPRECIATION AND DEPLETION EXPENSES (millions of dollars) 2020 2019 2018 Upstream United States 28,627 6,162 6,024 Non-U.S. 12,723 9,305 9,257 Total 41,350 15,467 15,281 Downstream United States 716 674 684 Non-U.S. 1,672 832 890 Total 2,388 1,506 1,574 Chemical United States 685 555 405 Non-U.S. 694 621 606 Total 1,379 1,176 1,011 Other 892 849 879 Total depreciation and depletion expenses 46,009 18,998 18,745 11e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S DEPRECIATION AND DEPLETION EXPENSES (millions of dollars) 2020 2019 2018 Upstream United States 28,627 6,162 6,024 Non-U.S. 12,723 9,305 9,257 Total 41,350 15,467 15,281 Downstream United States 716 674 684 Non-U.S. 1,672 832 890 Total 2,388 1,506 1,574 Chemical United States 685 555 405 Non-U.S. 694 621 606 Total 1,379 1,176 1,011 Other 892 849 879 Total depreciation and depletion expenses 46,009 18,998 18,745 11

e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S 1 OPERATING COSTS (millions of dollars) 2020 2019 2018 Production and manufacturing expenses 30,431 36,826 36,682 Selling, general and administrative expenses 10,168 11,398 11,480 Depreciation and depletion (includes impairments) 46,009 18,998 18,745 Exploration expenses, including dry holes 1,285 1,269 1,466 Non-service pension and postretirement benefit expense 1,205 1,235 1,285 Subtotal 89,098 69,726 69,658 ExxonMobil’s share of equity company expenses 8,292 9,088 9,569 Total operating costs 97,390 78,814 79,227 1 See Frequently Used Terms attached at the end of this document. 12e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S 1 OPERATING COSTS (millions of dollars) 2020 2019 2018 Production and manufacturing expenses 30,431 36,826 36,682 Selling, general and administrative expenses 10,168 11,398 11,480 Depreciation and depletion (includes impairments) 46,009 18,998 18,745 Exploration expenses, including dry holes 1,285 1,269 1,466 Non-service pension and postretirement benefit expense 1,205 1,235 1,285 Subtotal 89,098 69,726 69,658 ExxonMobil’s share of equity company expenses 8,292 9,088 9,569 Total operating costs 97,390 78,814 79,227 1 See Frequently Used Terms attached at the end of this document. 12

e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S SUMMARY STATEMENT OF INCOME (millions of dollars) 2020 2019 2018 Revenues and other income Sales and other operating revenue 178,574 255,583 279,332 Income from equity affiliates 1,732 5,441 7,355 Other income 1,196 3,914 3,525 Total revenues and other income 181,502 264,938 290,212 Costs and other deductions Crude oil and product purchases 94,007 143,801 156,172 Production and manufacturing expenses 30,431 36,826 36,682 Selling, general and administrative expenses 10,168 11,398 11,480 Depreciation and depletion (includes impairments) 46,009 18,998 18,745 Exploration expenses, including dry holes 1,285 1,269 1,466 Non-service pension and postretirement benefit expense 1,205 1,235 1,285 Interest expense 1,158 830 766 Other taxes and duties 26,122 30,525 32,663 Total costs and other deductions 210,385 244,882 259,259 Income (Loss) before income taxes (28,883) 20,056 30,953 Income tax expense (benefit) (5,632) 5,282 9,532 Net income (loss) including noncontrolling interests (23,251 14,774 21,421 ) Net income (loss) attributable to noncontrolling interests (811) 434 581 Net income (loss) attributable to ExxonMobil (22,440 14,340 20,840 ) Earnings (Loss) per common share (dollars) (5.25) 3.36 4.88 Earnings (Loss) per common share – assuming dilution (dollars) (5.25) 3.36 4.88 The information in the Summary statement of income (for 2018 to 2020), the Summary balance sheet (for 2019 and 2020), and the Summary statement of cash flows (for 2018 to 2020), shown on pages 13 through 15, corresponds to the information in the Consolidated statement of income, the Consolidated balance sheet, and the Consolidated statement of cash flows in the financial statements of ExxonMobil’s 2020 Form 10-K. See also Management’s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations and other information in the Financial section of the 2020 Form 10-K. 13e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S SUMMARY STATEMENT OF INCOME (millions of dollars) 2020 2019 2018 Revenues and other income Sales and other operating revenue 178,574 255,583 279,332 Income from equity affiliates 1,732 5,441 7,355 Other income 1,196 3,914 3,525 Total revenues and other income 181,502 264,938 290,212 Costs and other deductions Crude oil and product purchases 94,007 143,801 156,172 Production and manufacturing expenses 30,431 36,826 36,682 Selling, general and administrative expenses 10,168 11,398 11,480 Depreciation and depletion (includes impairments) 46,009 18,998 18,745 Exploration expenses, including dry holes 1,285 1,269 1,466 Non-service pension and postretirement benefit expense 1,205 1,235 1,285 Interest expense 1,158 830 766 Other taxes and duties 26,122 30,525 32,663 Total costs and other deductions 210,385 244,882 259,259 Income (Loss) before income taxes (28,883) 20,056 30,953 Income tax expense (benefit) (5,632) 5,282 9,532 Net income (loss) including noncontrolling interests (23,251 14,774 21,421 ) Net income (loss) attributable to noncontrolling interests (811) 434 581 Net income (loss) attributable to ExxonMobil (22,440 14,340 20,840 ) Earnings (Loss) per common share (dollars) (5.25) 3.36 4.88 Earnings (Loss) per common share – assuming dilution (dollars) (5.25) 3.36 4.88 The information in the Summary statement of income (for 2018 to 2020), the Summary balance sheet (for 2019 and 2020), and the Summary statement of cash flows (for 2018 to 2020), shown on pages 13 through 15, corresponds to the information in the Consolidated statement of income, the Consolidated balance sheet, and the Consolidated statement of cash flows in the financial statements of ExxonMobil’s 2020 Form 10-K. See also Management’s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations and other information in the Financial section of the 2020 Form 10-K. 13

e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S SUMMARY BALANCE SHEET AT YEAR END (millions of dollars) 2020 2019 2018 Assets Current assets Cash and cash equivalents 4,364 3,089 3,042 Notes and accounts receivable – net 20,581 26,966 24,701 Inventories Crude oil, products and merchandise 14,169 14,010 14,803 Materials and supplies 4,681 4,518 4,155 Other current assets 1,098 1,469 1,272 Total current assets 44,893 50,052 47,973 Investments, advances and long-term receivables 43,515 43,164 40,790 Property, plant and equipment, at cost, less accumulated depreciation and depletion 227,553 253,018 247,101 Other assets, including intangibles – net 16,789 16,363 10,332 Total assets 332,750 362,597 346,196 Liabilities Current liabilities Notes and loans payable 20,458 20,578 17,258 Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 35,221 41,831 37,268 Income taxes payable 684 1,580 2,612 Total current liabilities 56,363 63,989 57,138 Long-term debt 47,182 26,342 20,538 Postretirement benefits reserves 22,415 22,304 20,272 Deferred income tax liabilities 18,165 25,620 27,244 Long-term obligations to equity companies 3,253 3,988 4,382 Other long-term obligations 21,242 21,416 18,094 Total liabilities 168,620 163,659 147,668 1 Commitments and contingencies Equity Common stock without par value 15,688 15,637 15,258 Earnings reinvested 383,943 421,341 421,653 Accumulated other comprehensive income (16,705) (19,493) (19,564) Common stock held in treasury (225,776) (225,835) (225,553) ExxonMobil share of equity 157,150 191,650 191,794 Noncontrolling interests 6,980 7,288 6,734 Total equity 164,130 198,938 198,528 Total liabilities and equity 332,750 362,597 346,196 1 For more information, please refer to Note 16 in the Financial section of ExxonMobil’s 2020 Form 10-K. The information in the Summary statement of income (for 2018 to 2020), the Summary balance sheet (for 2019 and 2020), and the Summary statement of cash flows (for 2018 to 2020), shown on pages 13 through 15, corresponds to the information in the Consolidated statement of income, the Consolidated balance sheet, and the Consolidated statement of cash flows in the financial statements of ExxonMobil’s 2020 Form 10-K. See also Management’s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations and other information in the Financial section of the 2020 Form 10-K. 14e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S SUMMARY BALANCE SHEET AT YEAR END (millions of dollars) 2020 2019 2018 Assets Current assets Cash and cash equivalents 4,364 3,089 3,042 Notes and accounts receivable – net 20,581 26,966 24,701 Inventories Crude oil, products and merchandise 14,169 14,010 14,803 Materials and supplies 4,681 4,518 4,155 Other current assets 1,098 1,469 1,272 Total current assets 44,893 50,052 47,973 Investments, advances and long-term receivables 43,515 43,164 40,790 Property, plant and equipment, at cost, less accumulated depreciation and depletion 227,553 253,018 247,101 Other assets, including intangibles – net 16,789 16,363 10,332 Total assets 332,750 362,597 346,196 Liabilities Current liabilities Notes and loans payable 20,458 20,578 17,258 Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 35,221 41,831 37,268 Income taxes payable 684 1,580 2,612 Total current liabilities 56,363 63,989 57,138 Long-term debt 47,182 26,342 20,538 Postretirement benefits reserves 22,415 22,304 20,272 Deferred income tax liabilities 18,165 25,620 27,244 Long-term obligations to equity companies 3,253 3,988 4,382 Other long-term obligations 21,242 21,416 18,094 Total liabilities 168,620 163,659 147,668 1 Commitments and contingencies Equity Common stock without par value 15,688 15,637 15,258 Earnings reinvested 383,943 421,341 421,653 Accumulated other comprehensive income (16,705) (19,493) (19,564) Common stock held in treasury (225,776) (225,835) (225,553) ExxonMobil share of equity 157,150 191,650 191,794 Noncontrolling interests 6,980 7,288 6,734 Total equity 164,130 198,938 198,528 Total liabilities and equity 332,750 362,597 346,196 1 For more information, please refer to Note 16 in the Financial section of ExxonMobil’s 2020 Form 10-K. The information in the Summary statement of income (for 2018 to 2020), the Summary balance sheet (for 2019 and 2020), and the Summary statement of cash flows (for 2018 to 2020), shown on pages 13 through 15, corresponds to the information in the Consolidated statement of income, the Consolidated balance sheet, and the Consolidated statement of cash flows in the financial statements of ExxonMobil’s 2020 Form 10-K. See also Management’s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations and other information in the Financial section of the 2020 Form 10-K. 14

e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S SUMMARY STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS (millions of dollars) 2020 2019 2018 Cash flows from operating activities Net income (loss) including noncontrolling interests (23,251) 14,774 21,421 Adjustments for noncash transactions Depreciation and depletion (includes impairments) 46,009 18,998 18,745 Deferred income tax charges/(credits) (8,856) (944) (60) Postretirement benefits expense in excess of/(less than) net payments 498 109 1,070 Other long-term obligation provisions in excess of/(less than) payments (1,269) (3,038) (68) Dividends received greater than/(less than) equity in current earnings of equity companies 979 (936) (1,684) Changes in operational working capital, excluding cash and debt Reduction/(increase) – Notes and accounts receivable 5,384 (2,640) (545) – Inventories (315) 72 (3,107) – Other current assets 420 (234) (25) Increase/(reduction) – Accounts and other payables (7,142) 3,725 2,321 Net (gain)/loss on asset sales 4 (1,710) (1,993) All other items – net 2,207 1,540 (61) Net cash provided by operating activities 14,668 29,716 36,014 Cash flows from investing activities Additions to property, plant and equipment (17,282) (24,361) (19,574) Proceeds associated with sales of subsidiaries, property, plant and equipment, and sales and returns of investments 999 3,692 4,123 Additional investments and advances (4,857) (3,905) (1,981) Other investing activities including collection of advances 2,681 1,490 986 Net cash used in investing activities (18,459) (23,084) (16,446) Cash flows from financing activities Additions to long-term debt 23,186 7,052 46 Reductions in long-term debt (8) (1) – Reductions in short-term debt (1,703) (4,043) (4,752) Additions/(reductions) in commercial paper, and debt with three months or less maturity (1,334) 5,654 (219) Contingent consideration payments (21) – – Cash dividends to ExxonMobil shareholders (14,865) (14,652) (13,798) Cash dividends to noncontrolling interests (188) (192) (243) Changes in noncontrolling interests 623 158 146 Common stock acquired (405) (594) (626) Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities 5,285 (6,618) (19,446) Effects of exchange rate changes on cash (219) 33 (257) Increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 1,275 47 (135) Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 3,089 3,042 3,177 Cash and cash equivalents at end of year 4,364 3,089 3,042 The information in the Summary statement of income (for 2018 to 2020), the Summary balance sheet (for 2019 and 2020), and the Summary statement of cash flows (for 2018 to 2020), shown on pages 13 through 15, corresponds to the information in the Consolidated statement of income, the Consolidated balance sheet, and the Consolidated statement of cash flows in the financial statements of ExxonMobil’s 2020 Form 10-K. See also Management’s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations and other information in the Financial section of the 2020 Form 10-K. 15e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S SUMMARY STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS (millions of dollars) 2020 2019 2018 Cash flows from operating activities Net income (loss) including noncontrolling interests (23,251) 14,774 21,421 Adjustments for noncash transactions Depreciation and depletion (includes impairments) 46,009 18,998 18,745 Deferred income tax charges/(credits) (8,856) (944) (60) Postretirement benefits expense in excess of/(less than) net payments 498 109 1,070 Other long-term obligation provisions in excess of/(less than) payments (1,269) (3,038) (68) Dividends received greater than/(less than) equity in current earnings of equity companies 979 (936) (1,684) Changes in operational working capital, excluding cash and debt Reduction/(increase) – Notes and accounts receivable 5,384 (2,640) (545) – Inventories (315) 72 (3,107) – Other current assets 420 (234) (25) Increase/(reduction) – Accounts and other payables (7,142) 3,725 2,321 Net (gain)/loss on asset sales 4 (1,710) (1,993) All other items – net 2,207 1,540 (61) Net cash provided by operating activities 14,668 29,716 36,014 Cash flows from investing activities Additions to property, plant and equipment (17,282) (24,361) (19,574) Proceeds associated with sales of subsidiaries, property, plant and equipment, and sales and returns of investments 999 3,692 4,123 Additional investments and advances (4,857) (3,905) (1,981) Other investing activities including collection of advances 2,681 1,490 986 Net cash used in investing activities (18,459) (23,084) (16,446) Cash flows from financing activities Additions to long-term debt 23,186 7,052 46 Reductions in long-term debt (8) (1) – Reductions in short-term debt (1,703) (4,043) (4,752) Additions/(reductions) in commercial paper, and debt with three months or less maturity (1,334) 5,654 (219) Contingent consideration payments (21) – – Cash dividends to ExxonMobil shareholders (14,865) (14,652) (13,798) Cash dividends to noncontrolling interests (188) (192) (243) Changes in noncontrolling interests 623 158 146 Common stock acquired (405) (594) (626) Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities 5,285 (6,618) (19,446) Effects of exchange rate changes on cash (219) 33 (257) Increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 1,275 47 (135) Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 3,089 3,042 3,177 Cash and cash equivalents at end of year 4,364 3,089 3,042 The information in the Summary statement of income (for 2018 to 2020), the Summary balance sheet (for 2019 and 2020), and the Summary statement of cash flows (for 2018 to 2020), shown on pages 13 through 15, corresponds to the information in the Consolidated statement of income, the Consolidated balance sheet, and the Consolidated statement of cash flows in the financial statements of ExxonMobil’s 2020 Form 10-K. See also Management’s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations and other information in the Financial section of the 2020 Form 10-K. 15

e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S OIL AND GAS EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION EARNINGS The revenue, cost, and earnings (loss) data are shown both on a total dollar and a unit basis, and are inclusive of non-consolidated and Canadian oil sands operations. 1 Total revenues and costs, including non-consolidated interests and oil sands Revenues and costs per unit of sales or production Canada / Canada/ United Other Australia / United Other Outside States Americas Europe Africa Asia Oceania Total States Americas Americas Worldwide 2020 (millions of dollars) (dollars per unit of sales) Revenue Liquids 7,631 4,814 429 4,861 10,089 554 28,378 30.48 24.46 38.10 32.79 Natural gas 963 158 994 4 3,476 1,938 7,533 0.98 1.56 3.18 2.43 (dollars per barrel of net oil-equivalent production) Total revenue 8,594 4,972 1,423 4,865 13,565 2,492 35,911 20.72 23.29 29.86 26.09 Less costs: Production costs, excluding taxes 4,422 3,928 1,460 1,917 1,892 483 14,102 10.66 18.40 7.69 10.24 Depreciation and depletion (includes impairments) 28,049 5,118 1,052 2,788 2,714 733 40,454 67.63 23.97 9.74 29.39 Exploration expenses 51 573 35 371 112 145 1,287 0.12 2.68 0.89 0.93 Taxes other than income 649 106 54 390 2,966 152 4,317 1.57 0.50 4.75 3.15 Related income tax (5,650) (944) (589) (259) 3,256 241 (3,945) (13.62) (4.42) 3.54 (2.87) Results of producing activities (18,927) (3,809) (589) (342) 2,625 738 (20,304) (45.64) (17.84) 3.25 (14.75) 2 Other earnings (loss) (458) 574 203 (64) 12 7 274 (1.10) 2.69 0.21 0.20 Total earnings (loss) (19,385) (3,235) (386) (406) 2,637 745 (20,030 (46.74) (15.15) 3.46 (14.55) ) 3 Unit earnings (loss) excluding NCI volumes (15.07) 2019 (millions of dollars) (dollars per unit of sales) Revenue Liquids 11,245 7,296 2,226 8,690 16,246 748 46,451 47.67 43.08 60.29 53.51 Natural gas 1,563 135 2,514 4 5,853 3,012 13,081 1.54 1.44 4.90 3.82 (dollars per barrel of net oil-equivalent production) Total revenue 12,808 7,431 4,740 8,694 22,099 3,760 59,532 31.65 39.85 46.16 41.27 Less costs: Production costs, excluding taxes 5,292 4,366 1,766 2,393 2,152 637 16,606 13.08 23.41 8.16 11.51 Depreciation and depletion 6,295 1,975 832 3,019 2,792 703 15,616 15.56 10.59 8.63 10.83 Exploration expenses 121 498 122 234 119 180 1,274 0.30 2.67 0.77 0.88 Taxes other than income 1,031 122 188 682 4,816 250 7,089 2.54 0.66 6.97 4.92 Related income tax (29) (423) 160 1,187 6,513 599 8,007 (0.07) (2.27) 9.94 5.55 Results of producing activities 98 893 1,672 1,179 5,707 1,391 10,940 0.24 4.79 11.69 7.58 2 Other earnings 439 (270) 3,083 (46) 296 1 3,503 1.09 (1.45) 3.91 2.43 Total earnings, excluding power and coal 537 623 4,755 1,133 6,003 1,392 14,443 1.33 3.34 15.60 10.01 Power and coal (1) – – – – – (1) Total earnings 536 623 4,755 1,133 6,003 1,392 14,442 1.32 3.34 15.60 10.01 3 Unit earnings excluding NCI volumes 10.33 1 The per-unit data are divided into two sections: (a) revenue per unit of sales from ExxonMobil’s own production; and (b) operat ing costs and earnings per unit of net oil-equivalent production. Units for crude oil and natural gas liquids are barrels, while units for natural gas are thousands of cubic feet. The volumes of crude oil and natural gas liquids production and net natural gas production available for sale used in this calculation are shown on pages 20 and 21. The volumes of natural gas were converted to oil-equivalent barrels based on a conversion factor of 6,000 cubic feet per barrel. 2 Includes earnings related to transportation operations, LNG liquefaction and transportation operations, sale of third-party purchases, technical services agreements, other nonoperating activities, and adjustments for noncontrolling interests. 3 Calculation based on total earnings (net income (loss) attributable to ExxonMobil) divided by net oil-equivalent production less noncontrolling interest (NCI) volumes. 16e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S OIL AND GAS EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION EARNINGS The revenue, cost, and earnings (loss) data are shown both on a total dollar and a unit basis, and are inclusive of non-consolidated and Canadian oil sands operations. 1 Total revenues and costs, including non-consolidated interests and oil sands Revenues and costs per unit of sales or production Canada / Canada/ United Other Australia / United Other Outside States Americas Europe Africa Asia Oceania Total States Americas Americas Worldwide 2020 (millions of dollars) (dollars per unit of sales) Revenue Liquids 7,631 4,814 429 4,861 10,089 554 28,378 30.48 24.46 38.10 32.79 Natural gas 963 158 994 4 3,476 1,938 7,533 0.98 1.56 3.18 2.43 (dollars per barrel of net oil-equivalent production) Total revenue 8,594 4,972 1,423 4,865 13,565 2,492 35,911 20.72 23.29 29.86 26.09 Less costs: Production costs, excluding taxes 4,422 3,928 1,460 1,917 1,892 483 14,102 10.66 18.40 7.69 10.24 Depreciation and depletion (includes impairments) 28,049 5,118 1,052 2,788 2,714 733 40,454 67.63 23.97 9.74 29.39 Exploration expenses 51 573 35 371 112 145 1,287 0.12 2.68 0.89 0.93 Taxes other than income 649 106 54 390 2,966 152 4,317 1.57 0.50 4.75 3.15 Related income tax (5,650) (944) (589) (259) 3,256 241 (3,945) (13.62) (4.42) 3.54 (2.87) Results of producing activities (18,927) (3,809) (589) (342) 2,625 738 (20,304) (45.64) (17.84) 3.25 (14.75) 2 Other earnings (loss) (458) 574 203 (64) 12 7 274 (1.10) 2.69 0.21 0.20 Total earnings (loss) (19,385) (3,235) (386) (406) 2,637 745 (20,030 (46.74) (15.15) 3.46 (14.55) ) 3 Unit earnings (loss) excluding NCI volumes (15.07) 2019 (millions of dollars) (dollars per unit of sales) Revenue Liquids 11,245 7,296 2,226 8,690 16,246 748 46,451 47.67 43.08 60.29 53.51 Natural gas 1,563 135 2,514 4 5,853 3,012 13,081 1.54 1.44 4.90 3.82 (dollars per barrel of net oil-equivalent production) Total revenue 12,808 7,431 4,740 8,694 22,099 3,760 59,532 31.65 39.85 46.16 41.27 Less costs: Production costs, excluding taxes 5,292 4,366 1,766 2,393 2,152 637 16,606 13.08 23.41 8.16 11.51 Depreciation and depletion 6,295 1,975 832 3,019 2,792 703 15,616 15.56 10.59 8.63 10.83 Exploration expenses 121 498 122 234 119 180 1,274 0.30 2.67 0.77 0.88 Taxes other than income 1,031 122 188 682 4,816 250 7,089 2.54 0.66 6.97 4.92 Related income tax (29) (423) 160 1,187 6,513 599 8,007 (0.07) (2.27) 9.94 5.55 Results of producing activities 98 893 1,672 1,179 5,707 1,391 10,940 0.24 4.79 11.69 7.58 2 Other earnings 439 (270) 3,083 (46) 296 1 3,503 1.09 (1.45) 3.91 2.43 Total earnings, excluding power and coal 537 623 4,755 1,133 6,003 1,392 14,443 1.33 3.34 15.60 10.01 Power and coal (1) – – – – – (1) Total earnings 536 623 4,755 1,133 6,003 1,392 14,442 1.32 3.34 15.60 10.01 3 Unit earnings excluding NCI volumes 10.33 1 The per-unit data are divided into two sections: (a) revenue per unit of sales from ExxonMobil’s own production; and (b) operat ing costs and earnings per unit of net oil-equivalent production. Units for crude oil and natural gas liquids are barrels, while units for natural gas are thousands of cubic feet. The volumes of crude oil and natural gas liquids production and net natural gas production available for sale used in this calculation are shown on pages 20 and 21. The volumes of natural gas were converted to oil-equivalent barrels based on a conversion factor of 6,000 cubic feet per barrel. 2 Includes earnings related to transportation operations, LNG liquefaction and transportation operations, sale of third-party purchases, technical services agreements, other nonoperating activities, and adjustments for noncontrolling interests. 3 Calculation based on total earnings (net income (loss) attributable to ExxonMobil) divided by net oil-equivalent production less noncontrolling interest (NCI) volumes. 16

e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S Oil and gas exploration and production earnings, continued 1 Total revenues and costs, including non-consolidated interests and oil sands Revenues and costs per unit of sales or production Canada/ Canada/ United Other Australia/ United Other Outside States Americas Europe Africa Asia Oceania Total States Americas Americas Worldwide 2018 (millions of dollars) (dollars per unit of sales) Revenue Liquids 11,058 5,985 2,993 9,971 16,753 1,039 47,799 55.03 37.28 66.24 57.88 Natural gas 2,013 139 3,688 9 7,102 3,090 16,041 2.14 1.68 5.76 4.67 (dollars per barrel of net oil-equivalent production) Total revenue 13,071 6,124 6,681 9,980 23,855 4,129 63,840 36.52 35.37 51.43 45.63 Less costs: Production costs, excluding taxes 4,450 4,211 2,093 2,459 1,910 680 15,803 12.43 24.32 8.23 11.29 Depreciation and depletion 6,023 1,803 837 2,788 2,550 809 14,810 16.83 10.41 8.04 10.58 Exploration expenses 238 434 144 318 214 128 1,476 0.67 2.51 0.93 1.05 Taxes other than income 986 133 189 799 5,259 335 7,701 2.75 0.77 7.58 5.52 Related income tax 250 (121) 2,205 1,765 6,734 622 11,455 0.70 (0.70) 13.05 8.19 Results of producing activities 1,124 (336) 1,213 1,851 7,188 1,555 12,595 3.14 (1.94) 13.60 9.00 2 Other earnings 616 141 384 (44) (64) 453 1,486 1.72 0.81 0.84 1.06 Total earnings, excluding power and coal 1,740 (195) 1,597 1,807 7,124 2,008 14,081 4.86 (1.13) 14.44 10.06 Power and coal (1) – – – (1) – (2) Total earnings 1,739 (195) 1,597 1,807 7,123 2,008 14,079 4.86 (1.13) 14.44 10.06 3 Unit earnings excluding NCI volumes 10.37 See footnotes on page 16. 17e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S Oil and gas exploration and production earnings, continued 1 Total revenues and costs, including non-consolidated interests and oil sands Revenues and costs per unit of sales or production Canada/ Canada/ United Other Australia/ United Other Outside States Americas Europe Africa Asia Oceania Total States Americas Americas Worldwide 2018 (millions of dollars) (dollars per unit of sales) Revenue Liquids 11,058 5,985 2,993 9,971 16,753 1,039 47,799 55.03 37.28 66.24 57.88 Natural gas 2,013 139 3,688 9 7,102 3,090 16,041 2.14 1.68 5.76 4.67 (dollars per barrel of net oil-equivalent production) Total revenue 13,071 6,124 6,681 9,980 23,855 4,129 63,840 36.52 35.37 51.43 45.63 Less costs: Production costs, excluding taxes 4,450 4,211 2,093 2,459 1,910 680 15,803 12.43 24.32 8.23 11.29 Depreciation and depletion 6,023 1,803 837 2,788 2,550 809 14,810 16.83 10.41 8.04 10.58 Exploration expenses 238 434 144 318 214 128 1,476 0.67 2.51 0.93 1.05 Taxes other than income 986 133 189 799 5,259 335 7,701 2.75 0.77 7.58 5.52 Related income tax 250 (121) 2,205 1,765 6,734 622 11,455 0.70 (0.70) 13.05 8.19 Results of producing activities 1,124 (336) 1,213 1,851 7,188 1,555 12,595 3.14 (1.94) 13.60 9.00 2 Other earnings 616 141 384 (44) (64) 453 1,486 1.72 0.81 0.84 1.06 Total earnings, excluding power and coal 1,740 (195) 1,597 1,807 7,124 2,008 14,081 4.86 (1.13) 14.44 10.06 Power and coal (1) – – – (1) – (2) Total earnings 1,739 (195) 1,597 1,807 7,123 2,008 14,079 4.86 (1.13) 14.44 10.06 3 Unit earnings excluding NCI volumes 10.37 See footnotes on page 16. 17

e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S 1 COSTS INCURRED IN PROPERTY ACQUISITIONS, EXPLORATION, AND DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES United Canada / Australia / Total (millions of dollars) States Other Americas Europe Africa Asia Oceania worldwide During 2020 Property acquisition costs 81 33 – 391 7 – 512 Exploration costs 60 702 42 232 110 83 1,229 Development costs 5,810 2,059 336 (168) 2,758 730 11,525 Total costs 5,951 2,794 378 455 2,875 813 13,266 During 2019 Property acquisition costs 238 105 1 20 26 – 390 Exploration costs 135 1,107 160 252 111 194 1,959 Development costs 10,516 2,946 824 1,135 3,902 484 19,807 Total costs 10,889 4,158 985 1,407 4,039 678 22,156 During 2018 Property acquisition costs 266 2,112 – 1 321 – 2,700 Exploration costs 236 1,113 151 342 222 174 2,238 Development costs 7,882 1,734 136 857 3,556 256 14,421 Total costs 8,384 4,959 287 1,200 4,099 430 19,359 1 Includes non-consolidated interests and Canadian oil sands operations. 18e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S 1 COSTS INCURRED IN PROPERTY ACQUISITIONS, EXPLORATION, AND DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES United Canada / Australia / Total (millions of dollars) States Other Americas Europe Africa Asia Oceania worldwide During 2020 Property acquisition costs 81 33 – 391 7 – 512 Exploration costs 60 702 42 232 110 83 1,229 Development costs 5,810 2,059 336 (168) 2,758 730 11,525 Total costs 5,951 2,794 378 455 2,875 813 13,266 During 2019 Property acquisition costs 238 105 1 20 26 – 390 Exploration costs 135 1,107 160 252 111 194 1,959 Development costs 10,516 2,946 824 1,135 3,902 484 19,807 Total costs 10,889 4,158 985 1,407 4,039 678 22,156 During 2018 Property acquisition costs 266 2,112 – 1 321 – 2,700 Exploration costs 236 1,113 151 342 222 174 2,238 Development costs 7,882 1,734 136 857 3,556 256 14,421 Total costs 8,384 4,959 287 1,200 4,099 430 19,359 1 Includes non-consolidated interests and Canadian oil sands operations. 18

e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S 1 NET CAPITALIZED COSTS AT YEAR END United Canada / Australia / Total (millions of dollars) States Other Americas Europe Africa Asia Oceania worldwide 2020 65,473 40,010 3,135 16,650 38,066 12,105 175,439 2019 88,783 42,416 3,696 19,634 38,067 11,603 204,199 2018 85,163 39,107 5,338 21,518 36,995 11,952 200,073 1 Includes non-consolidated interests and Canadian oil sands operations. 19e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S 1 NET CAPITALIZED COSTS AT YEAR END United Canada / Australia / Total (millions of dollars) States Other Americas Europe Africa Asia Oceania worldwide 2020 65,473 40,010 3,135 16,650 38,066 12,105 175,439 2019 88,783 42,416 3,696 19,634 38,067 11,603 204,199 2018 85,163 39,107 5,338 21,518 36,995 11,952 200,073 1 Includes non-consolidated interests and Canadian oil sands operations. 19

e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S 1, 2 NET LIQUIDS PRODUCTION (thousands of barrels per day) 2020 2019 2018 United States Alaska 90 86 90 Lower 48 595 560 461 Total United States 685 646 551 Canada/Other Americas 536 467 438 Total Americas 1,221 1,113 989 Europe United Kingdom 24 23 29 Norway – 79 96 Other 6 6 7 Total Europe 30 108 132 Africa Nigeria 150 191 221 Angola 119 135 125 Equatorial Guinea 31 35 27 Other 12 11 14 Total Africa 312 372 387 Asia Malaysia 26 27 25 Middle East 390 379 372 Russia/Caspian 290 303 282 Other 36 39 32 Total Asia 742 748 711 Australia/Oceania 44 45 47 Total worldwide 2,349 2,386 2,266 Gas plant liquids included above United States 155 133 102 Non-U.S. 121 136 146 Total worldwide 276 269 248 Oil sands and non-consolidated volumes included above United States 50 54 55 Canada/Other Americas – bitumen 342 311 310 Canada/Other Americas – synthetic oil 68 65 60 Europe 3 3 4 Asia 270 294 288 Total worldwide 733 727 717 1 Includes non-consolidated interests and Canadian oil sands operations. 2 Net liquids production quantities are the volumes of crude oil and natural gas liquids withdrawn from ExxonMobil’s oil and gas reserves, excluding royalties and quantities due to others when produced, and are based on the volumes delivered from the lease or at the point measured for royalty and/or severance tax purposes. Volumes include 100 percent of the production of majority-owned affiliates, including liquids production from oil sands operations in Canada and ExxonMobil’s ownership of the production by companies owned 50 percent or less. 20e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S 1, 2 NET LIQUIDS PRODUCTION (thousands of barrels per day) 2020 2019 2018 United States Alaska 90 86 90 Lower 48 595 560 461 Total United States 685 646 551 Canada/Other Americas 536 467 438 Total Americas 1,221 1,113 989 Europe United Kingdom 24 23 29 Norway – 79 96 Other 6 6 7 Total Europe 30 108 132 Africa Nigeria 150 191 221 Angola 119 135 125 Equatorial Guinea 31 35 27 Other 12 11 14 Total Africa 312 372 387 Asia Malaysia 26 27 25 Middle East 390 379 372 Russia/Caspian 290 303 282 Other 36 39 32 Total Asia 742 748 711 Australia/Oceania 44 45 47 Total worldwide 2,349 2,386 2,266 Gas plant liquids included above United States 155 133 102 Non-U.S. 121 136 146 Total worldwide 276 269 248 Oil sands and non-consolidated volumes included above United States 50 54 55 Canada/Other Americas – bitumen 342 311 310 Canada/Other Americas – synthetic oil 68 65 60 Europe 3 3 4 Asia 270 294 288 Total worldwide 733 727 717 1 Includes non-consolidated interests and Canadian oil sands operations. 2 Net liquids production quantities are the volumes of crude oil and natural gas liquids withdrawn from ExxonMobil’s oil and gas reserves, excluding royalties and quantities due to others when produced, and are based on the volumes delivered from the lease or at the point measured for royalty and/or severance tax purposes. Volumes include 100 percent of the production of majority-owned affiliates, including liquids production from oil sands operations in Canada and ExxonMobil’s ownership of the production by companies owned 50 percent or less. 20

e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S 1, 2 NET NATURAL GAS PRODUCTION AVAILABLE FOR SALE (millions of cubic feet per day) 2020 2019 2018 United States 2,691 2,778 2,574 Canada/Other Americas 277 258 227 Total Americas 2,968 3,036 2,801 Europe Netherlands 370 683 771 United Kingdom 205 202 254 Norway – 314 374 Germany 214 258 254 Total Europe 789 1,457 1,653 Africa 9 7 13 Asia Malaysia 201 229 238 Middle East 2,987 3,032 3,072 Russia/Caspian 284 301 290 Other 14 13 13 Total Asia 3,486 3,575 3,613 Australia/Oceania 1,219 1,319 1,325 Total worldwide 8,471 9,394 9,405 Non-consolidated natural gas volumes included above United States 23 22 24 Europe 342 649 728 Asia 2,614 2,724 2,775 Total worldwide 2,979 3,395 3,527 1 Includes non-consolidated operations. 2 Net natural gas available for sale quantities are the volumes withdrawn from ExxonMobil’s natural gas reserves, excluding royal ties and volumes due to others when produced and excluding gas purchased from others, gas consumed in producing operations, field processing plant losses, volumes used for gas lift, gas injection and cycling operations, quantities flared, and volume shrinkage due to the removal of condensate or natural gas liquids fractions. 21e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S 1, 2 NET NATURAL GAS PRODUCTION AVAILABLE FOR SALE (millions of cubic feet per day) 2020 2019 2018 United States 2,691 2,778 2,574 Canada/Other Americas 277 258 227 Total Americas 2,968 3,036 2,801 Europe Netherlands 370 683 771 United Kingdom 205 202 254 Norway – 314 374 Germany 214 258 254 Total Europe 789 1,457 1,653 Africa 9 7 13 Asia Malaysia 201 229 238 Middle East 2,987 3,032 3,072 Russia/Caspian 284 301 290 Other 14 13 13 Total Asia 3,486 3,575 3,613 Australia/Oceania 1,219 1,319 1,325 Total worldwide 8,471 9,394 9,405 Non-consolidated natural gas volumes included above United States 23 22 24 Europe 342 649 728 Asia 2,614 2,724 2,775 Total worldwide 2,979 3,395 3,527 1 Includes non-consolidated operations. 2 Net natural gas available for sale quantities are the volumes withdrawn from ExxonMobil’s natural gas reserves, excluding royal ties and volumes due to others when produced and excluding gas purchased from others, gas consumed in producing operations, field processing plant losses, volumes used for gas lift, gas injection and cycling operations, quantities flared, and volume shrinkage due to the removal of condensate or natural gas liquids fractions. 21

e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S 1 NATURAL GAS SALES (millions of cubic feet per day) 2020 2019 2018 United States 4,120 3,893 3,408 Canada/Other Americas 138 188 184 Europe 2,546 3,213 3,028 Africa 9 7 13 Asia 3,191 3,204 3,181 Australia/Oceania 1,158 1,221 1,218 Total worldwide 11,162 11,726 11,032 1 Natural gas sales include 100 percent of the sales of ExxonMobil and majority-owned affiliates and ExxonMobil’s ownership of sa les by companies owned 50 percent or less. Numbers include sales of gas purchased from third parties. 22e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S 1 NATURAL GAS SALES (millions of cubic feet per day) 2020 2019 2018 United States 4,120 3,893 3,408 Canada/Other Americas 138 188 184 Europe 2,546 3,213 3,028 Africa 9 7 13 Asia 3,191 3,204 3,181 Australia/Oceania 1,158 1,221 1,218 Total worldwide 11,162 11,726 11,032 1 Natural gas sales include 100 percent of the sales of ExxonMobil and majority-owned affiliates and ExxonMobil’s ownership of sa les by companies owned 50 percent or less. Numbers include sales of gas purchased from third parties. 22

e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S 1 PROVED OIL AND GAS RESERVES 2020 2019 2018 Liquids, including oil sands and non-consolidated reserves (millions of barrels at year end) Net proved developed and undeveloped reserves United States 2,950 4,389 4,576 Canada/Other Americas 1,027 4,849 5,207 Europe 38 66 216 Africa 393 493 695 Asia 4,372 4,676 4,810 Australia/Oceania 105 125 153 Total worldwide 8,885 14,598 15,657 Proportional interest in oil sands and non-consolidated reserves included above United States 135 260 264 2 Canada/Other Americas – bitumen 81 3,858 4,185 2 Canada/Other Americas – synthetic oil 444 415 466 Europe 9 14 15 Africa 6 6 6 Asia 1,098 1,210 1,352 Net proved developed reserves included above United States 1,584 1,855 1,904 Canada/Other Americas 680 4,138 4,499 Europe 21 36 138 Africa 345 419 578 Asia 2,945 3,036 3,204 Australia/Oceania 67 90 118 Total worldwide 5,642 9,574 10,441 Natural gas, including non-consolidated reserves (billions of cubic feet at year end) Net proved developed and undeveloped reserves United States 13,541 19,239 21,628 Canada/Other Americas 561 1,466 1,744 Europe 801 1,202 2,369 Africa 1,237 1,285 1,451 Asia 15,686 16,887 17,162 Australia/Oceania 6,134 7,001 7,462 Total worldwide 37,960 47,080 51,816 Proportional interest in non-consolidated reserves included above United States 102 213 225 Europe 360 581 1,057 Africa 917 908 863 Asia 11,377 12,454 13,321 Net proved developed reserves included above United States 10,458 12,025 12,690 Canada/Other Americas 472 613 605 Europe 692 1,007 2,104 Africa 318 377 581 Asia 12,315 13,367 15,569 Australia/Oceania 3,344 3,765 4,336 Total worldwide 27,599 31,154 35,885 See footnotes on page 24. 23e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S 1 PROVED OIL AND GAS RESERVES 2020 2019 2018 Liquids, including oil sands and non-consolidated reserves (millions of barrels at year end) Net proved developed and undeveloped reserves United States 2,950 4,389 4,576 Canada/Other Americas 1,027 4,849 5,207 Europe 38 66 216 Africa 393 493 695 Asia 4,372 4,676 4,810 Australia/Oceania 105 125 153 Total worldwide 8,885 14,598 15,657 Proportional interest in oil sands and non-consolidated reserves included above United States 135 260 264 2 Canada/Other Americas – bitumen 81 3,858 4,185 2 Canada/Other Americas – synthetic oil 444 415 466 Europe 9 14 15 Africa 6 6 6 Asia 1,098 1,210 1,352 Net proved developed reserves included above United States 1,584 1,855 1,904 Canada/Other Americas 680 4,138 4,499 Europe 21 36 138 Africa 345 419 578 Asia 2,945 3,036 3,204 Australia/Oceania 67 90 118 Total worldwide 5,642 9,574 10,441 Natural gas, including non-consolidated reserves (billions of cubic feet at year end) Net proved developed and undeveloped reserves United States 13,541 19,239 21,628 Canada/Other Americas 561 1,466 1,744 Europe 801 1,202 2,369 Africa 1,237 1,285 1,451 Asia 15,686 16,887 17,162 Australia/Oceania 6,134 7,001 7,462 Total worldwide 37,960 47,080 51,816 Proportional interest in non-consolidated reserves included above United States 102 213 225 Europe 360 581 1,057 Africa 917 908 863 Asia 11,377 12,454 13,321 Net proved developed reserves included above United States 10,458 12,025 12,690 Canada/Other Americas 472 613 605 Europe 692 1,007 2,104 Africa 318 377 581 Asia 12,315 13,367 15,569 Australia/Oceania 3,344 3,765 4,336 Total worldwide 27,599 31,154 35,885 See footnotes on page 24. 23

e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S Proved oil and gas reserves, continued 2020 2019 2018 Oil equivalent, including oil sands and non-consolidated reserves (millions of barrels at year end) Net proved developed and undeveloped reserves United States 5,207 7,595 8,180 Canada/Other Americas 1,121 5,093 5,497 Europe 171 267 612 Africa 599 707 937 Asia 6,986 7,491 7,670 Australia/Oceania 1,127 1,292 1,397 Total worldwide 15,211 22,445 24,293 1 See Frequently Used Terms attached at the end of this document. 2 Proved reserves classified as bitumen are associated with the Cold Lake and Kearl projects in Canada. Proved reserves classifie d as synthetic oil are associated with the Syncrude project in Canada. Cold Lake uses in-situ methods, and hydrocarbons are produced from wells drilled into the subsurface. Syncrude is an oil sands mining project that includes an upgrader that converts the mined hydrocarbons into a higher-gravity crude oil. Kearl is an oil sands mining project that does not incorporate an upgrader. 24e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S Proved oil and gas reserves, continued 2020 2019 2018 Oil equivalent, including oil sands and non-consolidated reserves (millions of barrels at year end) Net proved developed and undeveloped reserves United States 5,207 7,595 8,180 Canada/Other Americas 1,121 5,093 5,497 Europe 171 267 612 Africa 599 707 937 Asia 6,986 7,491 7,670 Australia/Oceania 1,127 1,292 1,397 Total worldwide 15,211 22,445 24,293 1 See Frequently Used Terms attached at the end of this document. 2 Proved reserves classified as bitumen are associated with the Cold Lake and Kearl projects in Canada. Proved reserves classifie d as synthetic oil are associated with the Syncrude project in Canada. Cold Lake uses in-situ methods, and hydrocarbons are produced from wells drilled into the subsurface. Syncrude is an oil sands mining project that includes an upgrader that converts the mined hydrocarbons into a higher-gravity crude oil. Kearl is an oil sands mining project that does not incorporate an upgrader. 24

e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S 1 2020 RESERVES CHANGES BY REGION 2 2 Crude oil and natural gas liquids Bitumen Synthetic oil Canada / Canada / Canada / United Other Australia/ Other Other Liquids States Americas Europe Africa Asia Oceania Total Americas Americas total Liquids (millions of barrels) Revisions (1,443) (24) (17) 14 (32) (4) (1,506) (3,653) (79) (5,238) Improved recovery – – – – – – – – – – Extensions/discoveries 252 1 – – – – 253 1 133 387 Purchases – – – – – – – – – – Sales (1) (5) – – – – (6) – – (6) Total additions (1,192) (28) (17) 14 (32) (4) (1,259) (3,652) 54 (4,857) Production 247 46 11 114 272 16 706 125 25 856 Net change (1,439) (74) (28) (100) (304) (20) (1,965) (3,777) 29 (5,713) Natural gas (billions of cubic feet) Revisions (5,003) (753) (99) (14) 139 (405) (6,135) Improved recovery – – – – – – – Extensions/discoveries 433 1 1 – – – 435 Purchases – – – – – – – Sales (35) (30) – – – – (65) Total additions (4,605) (782) (98) (14) 139 (405) (5,765) Production 1,093 123 303 34 1,340 462 3,355 Net change (5,698) (905) (401) (48) (1,201) (867) (9,120 ) 1 See Frequently Used Terms attached at the end of this document. 2 Proved reserves classified as bitumen are associated with the Cold Lake and Kearl projects in Canada. Proved reserves classified as synthetic oil are associated with the Syncrude project in Canada. Cold Lake uses in-situ methods, and hydrocarbons are produced from wells drilled into the subsurface. Syncrude is an oil sands mining project that includes an upgrader that converts the mined hydrocarbons into a higher-gravity crude oil. Kearl is an oil sands mining project that does not incorporate an upgrader. 25e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S 1 2020 RESERVES CHANGES BY REGION 2 2 Crude oil and natural gas liquids Bitumen Synthetic oil Canada / Canada / Canada / United Other Australia/ Other Other Liquids States Americas Europe Africa Asia Oceania Total Americas Americas total Liquids (millions of barrels) Revisions (1,443) (24) (17) 14 (32) (4) (1,506) (3,653) (79) (5,238) Improved recovery – – – – – – – – – – Extensions/discoveries 252 1 – – – – 253 1 133 387 Purchases – – – – – – – – – – Sales (1) (5) – – – – (6) – – (6) Total additions (1,192) (28) (17) 14 (32) (4) (1,259) (3,652) 54 (4,857) Production 247 46 11 114 272 16 706 125 25 856 Net change (1,439) (74) (28) (100) (304) (20) (1,965) (3,777) 29 (5,713) Natural gas (billions of cubic feet) Revisions (5,003) (753) (99) (14) 139 (405) (6,135) Improved recovery – – – – – – – Extensions/discoveries 433 1 1 – – – 435 Purchases – – – – – – – Sales (35) (30) – – – – (65) Total additions (4,605) (782) (98) (14) 139 (405) (5,765) Production 1,093 123 303 34 1,340 462 3,355 Net change (5,698) (905) (401) (48) (1,201) (867) (9,120 ) 1 See Frequently Used Terms attached at the end of this document. 2 Proved reserves classified as bitumen are associated with the Cold Lake and Kearl projects in Canada. Proved reserves classified as synthetic oil are associated with the Syncrude project in Canada. Cold Lake uses in-situ methods, and hydrocarbons are produced from wells drilled into the subsurface. Syncrude is an oil sands mining project that includes an upgrader that converts the mined hydrocarbons into a higher-gravity crude oil. Kearl is an oil sands mining project that does not incorporate an upgrader. 25

e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S 1 PROVED OIL AND GAS RESERVES CHANGES – BY TYPE Average 2020 2019 2018 2018-2020 Liquids (millions of barrels) Revisions (5,238) (1,177) 3,474 (980) Improved recovery – – 36 12 Extensions/discoveries 387 1,099 959 815 Purchases – 32 10 14 Sales (6) (145) (26) (59) Total additions (4,857) (191) 4,453 (198) Production 856 868 825 850 Natural gas (billions of cubic feet) Revisions (6,135) (2,704) (3,603) (4,147) Improved recovery – – – – Extensions/discoveries 435 2,318 4,177 2,310 Purchases – 85 104 63 Sales (65) (742) (309) (372) Total additions (5,765) (1,043) 369 (2,146) Production 3,355 3,693 3,704 3,584 Oil equivalent (millions of barrels) Revisions (6,260) (1,628) 2,873 (1,672) Improved recovery – – 36 12 Extensions/discoveries 459 1,485 1,655 1,200 Purchases – 47 27 25 Sales (17) (269) (77) (121) Total additions (5,818) (365) 4,514 (556) Production 1,416 1,483 1,442 1,447 1 See Frequently Used Terms attached at the end of this document. 26e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S 1 PROVED OIL AND GAS RESERVES CHANGES – BY TYPE Average 2020 2019 2018 2018-2020 Liquids (millions of barrels) Revisions (5,238) (1,177) 3,474 (980) Improved recovery – – 36 12 Extensions/discoveries 387 1,099 959 815 Purchases – 32 10 14 Sales (6) (145) (26) (59) Total additions (4,857) (191) 4,453 (198) Production 856 868 825 850 Natural gas (billions of cubic feet) Revisions (6,135) (2,704) (3,603) (4,147) Improved recovery – – – – Extensions/discoveries 435 2,318 4,177 2,310 Purchases – 85 104 63 Sales (65) (742) (309) (372) Total additions (5,765) (1,043) 369 (2,146) Production 3,355 3,693 3,704 3,584 Oil equivalent (millions of barrels) Revisions (6,260) (1,628) 2,873 (1,672) Improved recovery – – 36 12 Extensions/discoveries 459 1,485 1,655 1,200 Purchases – 47 27 25 Sales (17) (269) (77) (121) Total additions (5,818) (365) 4,514 (556) Production 1,416 1,483 1,442 1,447 1 See Frequently Used Terms attached at the end of this document. 26

e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S 1 THROUGHPUT, CAPACITY, AND UTILIZATION 2020 2019 2018 2 Refinery throughput (thousands of barrels per day) United States 1,549 1,532 1,588 Canada 340 353 392 Europe 1,173 1,317 1,422 Asia Pacific 553 598 706 Middle East/Other 158 181 164 Total worldwide 3,773 3,981 4,272 3 Average refining capacity (thousands of barrels per day) United States 1,754 1,737 1,728 Canada 426 423 423 Europe 1,462 1,460 1,642 Asia Pacific 913 912 912 Middle East/Other 200 200 200 Total worldwide 4,755 4,732 4,905 Utilization of refining capacity (percent) United States 88 88 92 Canada 80 83 93 Europe 80 90 87 Asia Pacific 61 66 77 Middle East/Other 79 91 82 Total worldwide 79 84 87 1 Excludes refining capacity for a minor interest held through equity securities in New Zealand, as well as the Laffan refinery i n Qatar, for which results are reported in the Upstream segment. 2 Refinery throughput includes 100 percent of crude oil and feedstocks sent directly to atmospheric distillation units in operati ons of ExxonMobil and majority-owned subsidiaries. For companies owned 50 percent or less, throughput includes the greater of either crude and feedstocks processed for ExxonMobil or ExxonMobil’s equity interest in raw material inputs. 3 Refining capacity is the stream-day capability to process inputs to atmospheric distillation units under normal operating conditions, less the impact of shutdowns for regular repair and maintenance activities, averaged over an extended period of time. These annual averages include partial-year impacts for capacity additions or deletions during the year. Any idle capacity that cannot be made operable in a month or less has been excluded. Capacity volumes include 100 percent of the capacity of refinery facilities managed by ExxonMobil or majority-owned subsidiaries. At facilities of companies owned 50 percent or less, the greater of either that portion of capacity normally available to ExxonMobil or ExxonMobil’s equity interest is included. 27e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S 1 THROUGHPUT, CAPACITY, AND UTILIZATION 2020 2019 2018 2 Refinery throughput (thousands of barrels per day) United States 1,549 1,532 1,588 Canada 340 353 392 Europe 1,173 1,317 1,422 Asia Pacific 553 598 706 Middle East/Other 158 181 164 Total worldwide 3,773 3,981 4,272 3 Average refining capacity (thousands of barrels per day) United States 1,754 1,737 1,728 Canada 426 423 423 Europe 1,462 1,460 1,642 Asia Pacific 913 912 912 Middle East/Other 200 200 200 Total worldwide 4,755 4,732 4,905 Utilization of refining capacity (percent) United States 88 88 92 Canada 80 83 93 Europe 80 90 87 Asia Pacific 61 66 77 Middle East/Other 79 91 82 Total worldwide 79 84 87 1 Excludes refining capacity for a minor interest held through equity securities in New Zealand, as well as the Laffan refinery i n Qatar, for which results are reported in the Upstream segment. 2 Refinery throughput includes 100 percent of crude oil and feedstocks sent directly to atmospheric distillation units in operati ons of ExxonMobil and majority-owned subsidiaries. For companies owned 50 percent or less, throughput includes the greater of either crude and feedstocks processed for ExxonMobil or ExxonMobil’s equity interest in raw material inputs. 3 Refining capacity is the stream-day capability to process inputs to atmospheric distillation units under normal operating conditions, less the impact of shutdowns for regular repair and maintenance activities, averaged over an extended period of time. These annual averages include partial-year impacts for capacity additions or deletions during the year. Any idle capacity that cannot be made operable in a month or less has been excluded. Capacity volumes include 100 percent of the capacity of refinery facilities managed by ExxonMobil or majority-owned subsidiaries. At facilities of companies owned 50 percent or less, the greater of either that portion of capacity normally available to ExxonMobil or ExxonMobil’s equity interest is included. 27

e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S 1 REFINING CAPACITY AT YEAR-END 2020 (thousands of barrels per day) Capacity at 100% ExxonMobil Atmospheric Catalytic Residuum ExxonMobil 2 3 4 share distillation cracking Hydrocracking conversion Lubricants interest (%) United States Joliet Illinoisl 254 254 94 – 55 – 100 Baton Rouge Louisiananl 520 520 231 25 117 16 100 Billings Montanal 60 60 21 6 9 – 100 Baytown Texasnl 561 561 209 27 90 28 100 Beaumont Texasnl 369 369 110 62 44 – 100 Total United States 1,764 1,764 665 120 315 44 Canada Strathcona Albertal 196 196 65 – – – 69.6 Nanticoke Ontarios 113 113 49 – – – 69.6 Sarnia Ontarionl 119 119 30 20 31 – 69.6 Total Canada 428 428 144 20 31 – Europe Antwerp Belgiumnl 307 307 35 – 47 – 100 Fos-sur-Mer Francels 133 133 30 – – – 82.9 Gravenchon Francenl 244 244 43 – – 13 82.9 Karlsruhe Germanyls 78 310 86 – 31 – 25 Trecate Italyls 132 132 35 – – – 75.2 Rotterdam Netherlandsnl 192 192 – 106 41 18 100 Slagen Norway 116 116 – – 32 – 100 Fawley United Kingdomnl 262 262 89 – 37 9 100 Total Europe 1,464 1,696 318 106 188 40 Asia Pacific Altona Australias 88 88 28 – – – 100 Fujian Chinanl 67 268 45 47 10 – 25 Jurong/PAC Singaporenl 592 592 – 34 48 45 100 Sriracha Thailandnl 167 167 41 – – – 66 Total Asia Pacific 914 1,115 114 81 58 45 Middle East Yanbu Saudi Arabia 200 400 96 – 51 – 50 Total worldwide 4,770 5,403 1,337 327 643 129 n integrated refinery and chemical complex l cogeneration capacity s r efineries with some chemical production 1 Excludes refining capacity for a minor interest held through equity securities in New Zealand, as well as the Laffan refinery in Qatar, for which results are reported in the Upstream segment. Capacity data is based on 100 percent of rated refinery process unit stream-day capacities under normal operating conditions, less the impact of shutdowns for regular repair and maintenance activities, averaged over an extended period of time. 2 ExxonMobil share reflects 100 percent of atmospheric distillation capacity in operations of ExxonMobil and majority-owned subsi diaries. For companies owned 50 percent or less, ExxonMobil share is the greater of ExxonMobil’s interest or that portion of distillation capacity normally available to ExxonMobil. 3 Includes thermal cracking, visbreaking, coking, and hydrorefining processes. 4 Lube capacity based on dewaxed oil production. 28e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S 1 REFINING CAPACITY AT YEAR-END 2020 (thousands of barrels per day) Capacity at 100% ExxonMobil Atmospheric Catalytic Residuum ExxonMobil 2 3 4 share distillation cracking Hydrocracking conversion Lubricants interest (%) United States Joliet Illinoisl 254 254 94 – 55 – 100 Baton Rouge Louisiananl 520 520 231 25 117 16 100 Billings Montanal 60 60 21 6 9 – 100 Baytown Texasnl 561 561 209 27 90 28 100 Beaumont Texasnl 369 369 110 62 44 – 100 Total United States 1,764 1,764 665 120 315 44 Canada Strathcona Albertal 196 196 65 – – – 69.6 Nanticoke Ontarios 113 113 49 – – – 69.6 Sarnia Ontarionl 119 119 30 20 31 – 69.6 Total Canada 428 428 144 20 31 – Europe Antwerp Belgiumnl 307 307 35 – 47 – 100 Fos-sur-Mer Francels 133 133 30 – – – 82.9 Gravenchon Francenl 244 244 43 – – 13 82.9 Karlsruhe Germanyls 78 310 86 – 31 – 25 Trecate Italyls 132 132 35 – – – 75.2 Rotterdam Netherlandsnl 192 192 – 106 41 18 100 Slagen Norway 116 116 – – 32 – 100 Fawley United Kingdomnl 262 262 89 – 37 9 100 Total Europe 1,464 1,696 318 106 188 40 Asia Pacific Altona Australias 88 88 28 – – – 100 Fujian Chinanl 67 268 45 47 10 – 25 Jurong/PAC Singaporenl 592 592 – 34 48 45 100 Sriracha Thailandnl 167 167 41 – – – 66 Total Asia Pacific 914 1,115 114 81 58 45 Middle East Yanbu Saudi Arabia 200 400 96 – 51 – 50 Total worldwide 4,770 5,403 1,337 327 643 129 n integrated refinery and chemical complex l cogeneration capacity s r efineries with some chemical production 1 Excludes refining capacity for a minor interest held through equity securities in New Zealand, as well as the Laffan refinery in Qatar, for which results are reported in the Upstream segment. Capacity data is based on 100 percent of rated refinery process unit stream-day capacities under normal operating conditions, less the impact of shutdowns for regular repair and maintenance activities, averaged over an extended period of time. 2 ExxonMobil share reflects 100 percent of atmospheric distillation capacity in operations of ExxonMobil and majority-owned subsi diaries. For companies owned 50 percent or less, ExxonMobil share is the greater of ExxonMobil’s interest or that portion of distillation capacity normally available to ExxonMobil. 3 Includes thermal cracking, visbreaking, coking, and hydrorefining processes. 4 Lube capacity based on dewaxed oil production. 28

e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S 1 PETROLEUM PRODUCT SALES BY GEOGRAPHIC AREA (thousands of barrels per day) 2020 2019 2018 United States Motor gasoline, naphthas 1,201 1,334 1,294 Heating oils, kerosene, diesel oils 493 449 444 Aviation fuels 89 144 141 Heavy fuels 43 56 70 Lubricants, specialty, and other petroleum products 328 309 261 Total United States 2,154 2,292 2,210 Canada Motor gasoline, naphthas 215 249 255 Heating oils, kerosene, diesel oils 122 124 142 Aviation fuels 21 42 41 Heavy fuels 19 20 26 Lubricants, specialty, and other petroleum products 41 41 46 Total Canada 418 476 510 Europe Motor gasoline, naphthas 292 348 402 Heating oils, kerosene, diesel oils 705 809 802 Aviation fuels 41 82 83 Heavy fuels 91 81 116 Lubricants, specialty, and other petroleum products 124 159 153 Total Europe 1,253 1,479 1,556 Asia Pacific Motor gasoline, naphthas 161 177 173 Heating oils, kerosene, diesel oils 254 256 266 Aviation fuels 46 101 105 Heavy fuels 96 109 168 Lubricants, specialty, and other petroleum products 106 95 103 Total Asia Pacific 663 738 815 See footnotes on page 30. 29e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S 1 PETROLEUM PRODUCT SALES BY GEOGRAPHIC AREA (thousands of barrels per day) 2020 2019 2018 United States Motor gasoline, naphthas 1,201 1,334 1,294 Heating oils, kerosene, diesel oils 493 449 444 Aviation fuels 89 144 141 Heavy fuels 43 56 70 Lubricants, specialty, and other petroleum products 328 309 261 Total United States 2,154 2,292 2,210 Canada Motor gasoline, naphthas 215 249 255 Heating oils, kerosene, diesel oils 122 124 142 Aviation fuels 21 42 41 Heavy fuels 19 20 26 Lubricants, specialty, and other petroleum products 41 41 46 Total Canada 418 476 510 Europe Motor gasoline, naphthas 292 348 402 Heating oils, kerosene, diesel oils 705 809 802 Aviation fuels 41 82 83 Heavy fuels 91 81 116 Lubricants, specialty, and other petroleum products 124 159 153 Total Europe 1,253 1,479 1,556 Asia Pacific Motor gasoline, naphthas 161 177 173 Heating oils, kerosene, diesel oils 254 256 266 Aviation fuels 46 101 105 Heavy fuels 96 109 168 Lubricants, specialty, and other petroleum products 106 95 103 Total Asia Pacific 663 738 815 See footnotes on page 30. 29

e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S Petroleum product sales by geographic area, continued (thousands of barrels per day) 2020 2019 2018 Latin America Motor gasoline, naphthas 29 22 15 Heating oils, kerosene, diesel oils 17 17 11 Aviation fuels – – – Heavy fuels – – – Lubricants, specialty, and other petroleum products 10 10 10 Total Latin America 56 49 36 Middle East/Africa Motor gasoline, naphthas 96 90 78 Heating oils, kerosene, diesel oils 160 212 175 Aviation fuels 16 37 32 Heavy fuels 1 4 15 Lubricants, specialty, and other petroleum products 78 75 85 Total Middle East/Africa 351 418 385 Worldwide Motor gasoline, naphthas 1,994 2,220 2,217 Heating oils, kerosene, diesel oils 1,751 1,867 1,840 Aviation fuels 213 406 402 Heavy fuels 249 270 395 Lubricants, specialty, and other petroleum products 688 689 658 Total worldwide 4,895 5,452 5,512 1 Petroleum product sales include 100 percent of the sales of ExxonMobil and majority-owned subsidiaries and the ExxonMobil interest in sales by equity companies owned 50 percent or less. Petroleum product sales data reported net of purchases/sales contracts with the same counterparty. 30e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S Petroleum product sales by geographic area, continued (thousands of barrels per day) 2020 2019 2018 Latin America Motor gasoline, naphthas 29 22 15 Heating oils, kerosene, diesel oils 17 17 11 Aviation fuels – – – Heavy fuels – – – Lubricants, specialty, and other petroleum products 10 10 10 Total Latin America 56 49 36 Middle East/Africa Motor gasoline, naphthas 96 90 78 Heating oils, kerosene, diesel oils 160 212 175 Aviation fuels 16 37 32 Heavy fuels 1 4 15 Lubricants, specialty, and other petroleum products 78 75 85 Total Middle East/Africa 351 418 385 Worldwide Motor gasoline, naphthas 1,994 2,220 2,217 Heating oils, kerosene, diesel oils 1,751 1,867 1,840 Aviation fuels 213 406 402 Heavy fuels 249 270 395 Lubricants, specialty, and other petroleum products 688 689 658 Total worldwide 4,895 5,452 5,512 1 Petroleum product sales include 100 percent of the sales of ExxonMobil and majority-owned subsidiaries and the ExxonMobil interest in sales by equity companies owned 50 percent or less. Petroleum product sales data reported net of purchases/sales contracts with the same counterparty. 30

e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S RETAIL SITES (number of sites at year end) 2020 2019 2018 Worldwide Owned/leased 991 989 1,002 Distributors/resellers 20,962 20,420 19,804 Total worldwide 21,953 21,409 20,806 31e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S RETAIL SITES (number of sites at year end) 2020 2019 2018 Worldwide Owned/leased 991 989 1,002 Distributors/resellers 20,962 20,420 19,804 Total worldwide 21,953 21,409 20,806 31

e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S 1, 2 LARGE/INTEGRATED CHEMICAL COMPLEX PRODUCTION CAPACITY AT YEAR-END 2020 (millions of tonnes per year) Ethylene Polyethylene Polypropylene Paraxylene Additional products North America Baton Rouge, Louisiana 1.1 1.3 0.4 – P B E A F O S Baytown, Texas 3.9 – 0.7 0.6 P B F S Beaumont, Texas 0.9 1.7 – 0.3 P S Mont Belvieu, Texas – 2.3 – – Sarnia, Ontario 0.3 0.5 – – P F O Europe Antwerp, Belgium – 0.4 – – F O Fawley, United Kingdom – – – – B F O Fife, United Kingdom 0.4 – – – Gravenchon, France 0.4 0.4 0.3 – P E A O S Z Meerhout, Belgium – 0.5 – – Rotterdam, Netherlands – – – 0.7 O Middle East Al-Jubail, Saudi Arabia 0.6 0.7 – – B E Yanbu, Saudi Arabia 1.0 0.7 0.2 – P G Asia Pacific Fujian, China 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 P G Singapore 1.9 1.9 0.9 1.8 P B E A F O Z Sriracha, Thailand – – – 0.5 F Total worldwide 10.8 10.6 2.7 4.1 P Propylene B Butyl E Specialty elastomers A Adhesive polymers F Fluids O Oxo S Synthetics Z Petroleum additives G Glycol 1 Based on size or breadth of product slate. 2 Capacity reflects 100 percent for operations of ExxonMobil and majority-owned subsidiaries. For companies owned 50 percent or l ess, capacity is ExxonMobil’s interest. 32e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S 1, 2 LARGE/INTEGRATED CHEMICAL COMPLEX PRODUCTION CAPACITY AT YEAR-END 2020 (millions of tonnes per year) Ethylene Polyethylene Polypropylene Paraxylene Additional products North America Baton Rouge, Louisiana 1.1 1.3 0.4 – P B E A F O S Baytown, Texas 3.9 – 0.7 0.6 P B F S Beaumont, Texas 0.9 1.7 – 0.3 P S Mont Belvieu, Texas – 2.3 – – Sarnia, Ontario 0.3 0.5 – – P F O Europe Antwerp, Belgium – 0.4 – – F O Fawley, United Kingdom – – – – B F O Fife, United Kingdom 0.4 – – – Gravenchon, France 0.4 0.4 0.3 – P E A O S Z Meerhout, Belgium – 0.5 – – Rotterdam, Netherlands – – – 0.7 O Middle East Al-Jubail, Saudi Arabia 0.6 0.7 – – B E Yanbu, Saudi Arabia 1.0 0.7 0.2 – P G Asia Pacific Fujian, China 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 P G Singapore 1.9 1.9 0.9 1.8 P B E A F O Z Sriracha, Thailand – – – 0.5 F Total worldwide 10.8 10.6 2.7 4.1 P Propylene B Butyl E Specialty elastomers A Adhesive polymers F Fluids O Oxo S Synthetics Z Petroleum additives G Glycol 1 Based on size or breadth of product slate. 2 Capacity reflects 100 percent for operations of ExxonMobil and majority-owned subsidiaries. For companies owned 50 percent or l ess, capacity is ExxonMobil’s interest. 32

e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S 1 OTHER CHEMICAL MANUFACTURING LOCATIONS AT YEAR-END 2020 Location Product Location Product Location Product North America Europe Asia Pacific Bayway, New Jerseyl Berre, Francel Altona, Australian ssls Pensacola, Florida Cologne, Germany Jinshan, China Fos-sur-Mer, Francen Kashima, Japans Latin America Karlsruhe, Germanyn Kawasaki, Japans Paulinia, Brazill Newport, United Kingdoms Zhangjiagang, Chinal Rio de Janeiro, Brazill l Vado Ligure, Italy n Olefins/aromatics s Polymers l Other chemicals 1 Includes joint venture plants. 33e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S 1 OTHER CHEMICAL MANUFACTURING LOCATIONS AT YEAR-END 2020 Location Product Location Product Location Product North America Europe Asia Pacific Bayway, New Jerseyl Berre, Francel Altona, Australian ssls Pensacola, Florida Cologne, Germany Jinshan, China Fos-sur-Mer, Francen Kashima, Japans Latin America Karlsruhe, Germanyn Kawasaki, Japans Paulinia, Brazill Newport, United Kingdoms Zhangjiagang, Chinal Rio de Janeiro, Brazill l Vado Ligure, Italy n Olefins/aromatics s Polymers l Other chemicals 1 Includes joint venture plants. 33

e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S 1 CHEMICAL VOLUMES 2020 2019 2018 Worldwide production volumes (thousands of tonnes) Ethylene 10,192 9,904 9,040 Polyethylene 9,133 8,737 8,613 Polypropylene 2,386 2,412 2,266 Paraxylene 2,377 3,010 3,352 2 Prime product sales volumes by region (thousands of tonnes) Americas 9,942 10,055 10,772 Europe/Middle East/Africa 6,178 6,549 6,498 Asia Pacific 9,329 9,912 9,599 Total worldwide 25,449 26,516 26,869 2 Prime product sales volumes by business (thousands of tonnes) Specialties 4,972 5,019 5,167 Commodities 20,477 21,497 21,702 Total 25,449 26,516 26,869 1 Includes ExxonMobil’s share of equity companies but excludes volumes from minor interests held through equity securities. 2 Prime product sales data reported net of purchases/sales contracts with the same counterparty. 34e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S 1 CHEMICAL VOLUMES 2020 2019 2018 Worldwide production volumes (thousands of tonnes) Ethylene 10,192 9,904 9,040 Polyethylene 9,133 8,737 8,613 Polypropylene 2,386 2,412 2,266 Paraxylene 2,377 3,010 3,352 2 Prime product sales volumes by region (thousands of tonnes) Americas 9,942 10,055 10,772 Europe/Middle East/Africa 6,178 6,549 6,498 Asia Pacific 9,329 9,912 9,599 Total worldwide 25,449 26,516 26,869 2 Prime product sales volumes by business (thousands of tonnes) Specialties 4,972 5,019 5,167 Commodities 20,477 21,497 21,702 Total 25,449 26,516 26,869 1 Includes ExxonMobil’s share of equity companies but excludes volumes from minor interests held through equity securities. 2 Prime product sales data reported net of purchases/sales contracts with the same counterparty. 34

e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S 2020 EXPLORATION OPPORTUNITY CAPTURES Acres Working Country (thousands) interest (%) Operator Captures Angola 1 block onshore, Cabinda 347 33 c 3 blocks offshore, Direct Negotiation, Namibe Basin (Blocks 30, 44, 45) 4,493 60 e Canada 2 blocks offshore (EL1162, EL1163) 868 100 e Egypt 1 block offshore, Star 1,028 90 e Suriname 1 block offshore, Block 52 1,174 50 c Operator: E = exxonmobil operated C = co-venturer operated 35e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S 2020 EXPLORATION OPPORTUNITY CAPTURES Acres Working Country (thousands) interest (%) Operator Captures Angola 1 block onshore, Cabinda 347 33 c 3 blocks offshore, Direct Negotiation, Namibe Basin (Blocks 30, 44, 45) 4,493 60 e Canada 2 blocks offshore (EL1162, EL1163) 868 100 e Egypt 1 block offshore, Star 1,028 90 e Suriname 1 block offshore, Block 52 1,174 50 c Operator: E = exxonmobil operated C = co-venturer operated 35

e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S UPSTREAM PORTFOLIO 2 Net Production Working 1 Interest Liquids Gas (%) (Kbd) (Mcfd) NORTH AMERICA Canada Aspen 100 – – In-situ oil sands opportunity with SA-SAGD technology. Cold Lake 100 124 – One of the largest thermal in-situ, heavy-oil projects in the world. Greater Flemish Pass 33-100 – – Completed the drilling of an exploration well in 2020; block evaluations ongoing to prioritize future drilling opportunities. Hebron 35 50 – Drilling, production, and storage platform supported by a gravity base structure. Completed ramp-up of production with 7 new wells and achieved daily gross production record of 169 Kbd (19 Kbd above original design capacity). Hibernia 33 17 – Drilling, production, and storage platform supported by a gravity base structure. Platform drill-rig entered cold stack period in 2020. Hibernia South Extension 28 10 – Subsea tie-back to the existing Hibernia platform. Kearl 100 219 – Record-breaking production. Montney and Duvernay 50-100 11 183 More than 600,000 net acres in the liquids-rich Montney and Duvernay shale plays. Norman Wells 100 6 – Conventional oil and gas operation located in the Northwest Territories in Northern Canada. Sable 51 – – Offshore removals campaign and pipeline in-situ abandonment completed. Decommissioning project completion in 2021. SAGD 63-100 – – Continued to evaluate oil sands acreage in the Athabasca and Cold Lake regions, including Clarke Creek, Corner, Chard, and Clyden. Syncrude 25 68 – Oil sands mining operation producing synthetic crude. Offshore 100 – – Captured two exploration blocks via tender, adding a total of 868,000 net acres. (EL1162 and EL1163) Mexico Perdido Block 2 50 – – Government informed of intention to exit block in 2021. North America, continued next page 1 Representative range of working interest for acreage. 2 2020 net liquids production and natural gas available for sale. 36e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S UPSTREAM PORTFOLIO 2 Net Production Working 1 Interest Liquids Gas (%) (Kbd) (Mcfd) NORTH AMERICA Canada Aspen 100 – – In-situ oil sands opportunity with SA-SAGD technology. Cold Lake 100 124 – One of the largest thermal in-situ, heavy-oil projects in the world. Greater Flemish Pass 33-100 – – Completed the drilling of an exploration well in 2020; block evaluations ongoing to prioritize future drilling opportunities. Hebron 35 50 – Drilling, production, and storage platform supported by a gravity base structure. Completed ramp-up of production with 7 new wells and achieved daily gross production record of 169 Kbd (19 Kbd above original design capacity). Hibernia 33 17 – Drilling, production, and storage platform supported by a gravity base structure. Platform drill-rig entered cold stack period in 2020. Hibernia South Extension 28 10 – Subsea tie-back to the existing Hibernia platform. Kearl 100 219 – Record-breaking production. Montney and Duvernay 50-100 11 183 More than 600,000 net acres in the liquids-rich Montney and Duvernay shale plays. Norman Wells 100 6 – Conventional oil and gas operation located in the Northwest Territories in Northern Canada. Sable 51 – – Offshore removals campaign and pipeline in-situ abandonment completed. Decommissioning project completion in 2021. SAGD 63-100 – – Continued to evaluate oil sands acreage in the Athabasca and Cold Lake regions, including Clarke Creek, Corner, Chard, and Clyden. Syncrude 25 68 – Oil sands mining operation producing synthetic crude. Offshore 100 – – Captured two exploration blocks via tender, adding a total of 868,000 net acres. (EL1162 and EL1163) Mexico Perdido Block 2 50 – – Government informed of intention to exit block in 2021. North America, continued next page 1 Representative range of working interest for acreage. 2 2020 net liquids production and natural gas available for sale. 36

e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S Upstream portfolio, continued 2 Net Production Working 1 Interest Liquids Gas North America, continued (%) (Kbd) (Mcfd) United States Aera Energy LLC 48 47 2 Eight fields and approximately 4,500 net wells primarily located in San Joaquin Valley, California. Alaska Gas – – – State of Alaska's LNG project, supplied by natural gas from Prudhoe Bay and Point Thomson, completed the FERC regulatory process. Other potential options for development of Alaska North Slope gas are also being pursued. Appalachia 85-95 8 450 More than 500,000 net acres across the Marcellus and Utica Shale plays. Bakken 40-80 82 134 More than 540,000 net acres across the liquids-rich Bakken Shale play. Eagle Ford 23-100 11 27 More than 100,000 net acres across the liquids-rich and dry gas fairways of the Eagle Ford Shale play. Golden Pass LNG Export 30 – – Joint venture with Qatar Petroleum to enable approximately 16 Mta LNG export capability at the existing terminal. Gulf of Mexico Exploration 67-100 – – Evaluating divestment options. Haynesville 50-100 2 371 More than 200,000 net acres across the Haynesville Shale play. Hoover 67-100 3 – Deepwater Gulf of Mexico asset produces oil and natural gas from the Hoover field and Marshall/Madison subsea tie-backs. Julia 50 15 1 Deepwater Gulf of Mexico subsea tie-back to the Jack-St. Malo host facility located in 7,100 feet of water. LaBarge 45-100 – 111 One of the world’s largest helium recovery and physical solvent gas-sweetening plants. Online since 1986, LaBarge is expected to produce for an additional 84 years. Lucius 23 8 8 Deepwater Gulf of Mexico asset producing to a deep draft caisson vessel (DDCV) located in approximately 7,100 feet of water. Divestment in 2021. Other Lower 48 Dry Gas 15-100 21 814 Approximately 1 million net acres across the Barnett, Fayetteville, Freestone, and Rockies dry gas plays. Permian 84-92 285 494 More than 1.8 million net acres across the Permian Basin. Point Thomson 62 4 – Gas condensate field tied into Alyeska pipeline system. Prudhoe Bay 36 84 – Located on Alaska North Slope and includes one of the largest North American conventional oil fields and multiple satellite fields. Santa Ynez 100 – – Supporting trucking and pipeline permitting efforts to restore production operations resulting from outage of the Plains All-American Pipeline. Thunder Horse 25 31 16 Deepwater Gulf of Mexico semi-submersible facility located in nearly 6,100 feet of water. Ursa 16 6 4 Deepwater Gulf of Mexico tension leg platform located 130 miles south of New Orleans. Woodford/South OK 70-80 26 178 More than 300,000 net acres across the Arkoma, Ardmore, and Marietta Woodford shale plays. 1 Representative range of working interest for acreage. 2 2020 net liquids production and natural gas available for sale. Permian includes unconventional production from the Midland, Delaware, and Central Basin Platform. 37e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S Upstream portfolio, continued 2 Net Production Working 1 Interest Liquids Gas North America, continued (%) (Kbd) (Mcfd) United States Aera Energy LLC 48 47 2 Eight fields and approximately 4,500 net wells primarily located in San Joaquin Valley, California. Alaska Gas – – – State of Alaska's LNG project, supplied by natural gas from Prudhoe Bay and Point Thomson, completed the FERC regulatory process. Other potential options for development of Alaska North Slope gas are also being pursued. Appalachia 85-95 8 450 More than 500,000 net acres across the Marcellus and Utica Shale plays. Bakken 40-80 82 134 More than 540,000 net acres across the liquids-rich Bakken Shale play. Eagle Ford 23-100 11 27 More than 100,000 net acres across the liquids-rich and dry gas fairways of the Eagle Ford Shale play. Golden Pass LNG Export 30 – – Joint venture with Qatar Petroleum to enable approximately 16 Mta LNG export capability at the existing terminal. Gulf of Mexico Exploration 67-100 – – Evaluating divestment options. Haynesville 50-100 2 371 More than 200,000 net acres across the Haynesville Shale play. Hoover 67-100 3 – Deepwater Gulf of Mexico asset produces oil and natural gas from the Hoover field and Marshall/Madison subsea tie-backs. Julia 50 15 1 Deepwater Gulf of Mexico subsea tie-back to the Jack-St. Malo host facility located in 7,100 feet of water. LaBarge 45-100 – 111 One of the world’s largest helium recovery and physical solvent gas-sweetening plants. Online since 1986, LaBarge is expected to produce for an additional 84 years. Lucius 23 8 8 Deepwater Gulf of Mexico asset producing to a deep draft caisson vessel (DDCV) located in approximately 7,100 feet of water. Divestment in 2021. Other Lower 48 Dry Gas 15-100 21 814 Approximately 1 million net acres across the Barnett, Fayetteville, Freestone, and Rockies dry gas plays. Permian 84-92 285 494 More than 1.8 million net acres across the Permian Basin. Point Thomson 62 4 – Gas condensate field tied into Alyeska pipeline system. Prudhoe Bay 36 84 – Located on Alaska North Slope and includes one of the largest North American conventional oil fields and multiple satellite fields. Santa Ynez 100 – – Supporting trucking and pipeline permitting efforts to restore production operations resulting from outage of the Plains All-American Pipeline. Thunder Horse 25 31 16 Deepwater Gulf of Mexico semi-submersible facility located in nearly 6,100 feet of water. Ursa 16 6 4 Deepwater Gulf of Mexico tension leg platform located 130 miles south of New Orleans. Woodford/South OK 70-80 26 178 More than 300,000 net acres across the Arkoma, Ardmore, and Marietta Woodford shale plays. 1 Representative range of working interest for acreage. 2 2020 net liquids production and natural gas available for sale. Permian includes unconventional production from the Midland, Delaware, and Central Basin Platform. 37

e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S Upstream portfolio, continued 2 Net Production Working 1 Interest Liquids Gas (%) (Kbd) (Mcfd) SOUTH AMERICA Argentina Offshore 70 – – Operating interest in three blocks in the Malvinas Basin, offshore Argentina; multi-client 3D seismic data acquisition completed over acreage, processing of data and evaluation of blocks is progressing. Onshore 42-90 4 45 Unconventional production concessions in four blocks in the Vaca Muerta. Brazil Bacalhau (formerly Carcara) 40 – – Awarded Bacalhau drilling and well services contracts. Maturing the project towards a final investment decision (FID). Santos 64 – – Operating interest in three deepwater blocks (PSC Tita, Concession S-M-647, and S-M-536). Evaluation of the blocks is progressing. Campos 40 – – Working interest in four blocks in the Campos Basin; evaluation of the blocks is progressing. Naru-1 well drilled in 2020 in Block C-M-657. Campos Bull's Eye 50 /10 0 – – Interest in seven blocks in the Bull’s Eye area of the Campos Basin; evaluation of the blocks is progressing. Urissane-1 well drilled in Block C-M-411 in 2020-2021. North Campos 100 – – Operating interest in two deepwater blocks. Evaluation of the blocks is progressing. Sergipe Alagoas 50 – – Operate nine blocks; evaluation of the blocks is progressing. First well in Block 428 planned for 2021 (Cutthroat-1). Pre-Salt Uirapuru 28 – – Araucaria well completed in 2020. Colombia COL-4 50 – – Technical Evaluation License converted to Exploration Contract Phase 1. Onshore 50-70 – – Three exploration blocks in a tight liquids play. Guyana Canje 35 – – Progressing evaluation of 417,000 net acres. Completed operations on initial exploration well Bulletwood-1 and planning for at least two additional exploration wells in 2021. Kaieteur 35 – – Progressing evaluation of 1.2 million net acres. Drilled initial exploration well, Tanager-1, in 2020. Stabroek 45 25 – Three exploration discoveries bringing the total discoveries to 18 at year end, with ~9 billion oil-equivalent barrels of recoverable resource. Achieved nameplate capacity on Liza Phase 1, Liza Phase 2 on schedule for start-up in 2022, and achieved Payara FID. Continuing to acquire data and evaluate options for future phases. Suriname Block 59 33 – – Evaluating 2D seismic data and forward plans for the block. Block 52 50 – – Sloanea-1 drilled and encountered hydrocarbons in 2020. Acquiring new 3D seismic over block as part of forward exploration plans. 1 Representative range of working interest for acreage. 2 2020 net liquids production and natural gas available for sale. 38e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S Upstream portfolio, continued 2 Net Production Working 1 Interest Liquids Gas (%) (Kbd) (Mcfd) SOUTH AMERICA Argentina Offshore 70 – – Operating interest in three blocks in the Malvinas Basin, offshore Argentina; multi-client 3D seismic data acquisition completed over acreage, processing of data and evaluation of blocks is progressing. Onshore 42-90 4 45 Unconventional production concessions in four blocks in the Vaca Muerta. Brazil Bacalhau (formerly Carcara) 40 – – Awarded Bacalhau drilling and well services contracts. Maturing the project towards a final investment decision (FID). Santos 64 – – Operating interest in three deepwater blocks (PSC Tita, Concession S-M-647, and S-M-536). Evaluation of the blocks is progressing. Campos 40 – – Working interest in four blocks in the Campos Basin; evaluation of the blocks is progressing. Naru-1 well drilled in 2020 in Block C-M-657. Campos Bull's Eye 50 /10 0 – – Interest in seven blocks in the Bull’s Eye area of the Campos Basin; evaluation of the blocks is progressing. Urissane-1 well drilled in Block C-M-411 in 2020-2021. North Campos 100 – – Operating interest in two deepwater blocks. Evaluation of the blocks is progressing. Sergipe Alagoas 50 – – Operate nine blocks; evaluation of the blocks is progressing. First well in Block 428 planned for 2021 (Cutthroat-1). Pre-Salt Uirapuru 28 – – Araucaria well completed in 2020. Colombia COL-4 50 – – Technical Evaluation License converted to Exploration Contract Phase 1. Onshore 50-70 – – Three exploration blocks in a tight liquids play. Guyana Canje 35 – – Progressing evaluation of 417,000 net acres. Completed operations on initial exploration well Bulletwood-1 and planning for at least two additional exploration wells in 2021. Kaieteur 35 – – Progressing evaluation of 1.2 million net acres. Drilled initial exploration well, Tanager-1, in 2020. Stabroek 45 25 – Three exploration discoveries bringing the total discoveries to 18 at year end, with ~9 billion oil-equivalent barrels of recoverable resource. Achieved nameplate capacity on Liza Phase 1, Liza Phase 2 on schedule for start-up in 2022, and achieved Payara FID. Continuing to acquire data and evaluate options for future phases. Suriname Block 59 33 – – Evaluating 2D seismic data and forward plans for the block. Block 52 50 – – Sloanea-1 drilled and encountered hydrocarbons in 2020. Acquiring new 3D seismic over block as part of forward exploration plans. 1 Representative range of working interest for acreage. 2 2020 net liquids production and natural gas available for sale. 38

e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S Upstream portfolio, continued 2 Net Production Working 1 Interest Liquids Gas (%) (Kbd) (Mcfd) EUROPE Cyprus Block 10 60 – – Natural gas discovery made at Glaucus-1 well (2019). Appraisal well planned for late 2021. Germany Onshore 3-100 2 214 Operator of 25 sour gas and 32 sweet gas fields with production dating back to 1904. Includes 0.8 million net exploration acres. Greece Offshore Crete 40 – – Interest in two deepwater exploration blocks totaling nearly 4 million net acres. 40% working interest, captured October 2019. Italy Adriatic LNG Terminal 71 – – The world’s first fixed offshore LNG storage and regasification terminal received 75 cargoes in 2020. Netherlands Groningen/Other 30-50 3 370 Approximately 60 producing fields offshore in the North Sea and 120 fields onshore including Groningen, one of the world’s largest natural gas fields with production dating back to 1963. In 2020, the Dutch government further reduced Groningen gas extraction and maintained its plan to terminate Groningen production in 2022. Romania Neptun Deep 50 – – Continuing to seek fiscal stability and right to freely market natural gas prior to fully funding. United Kingdom North Sea 3-50 24 205 Approximately 30 producing assets in the North Sea. SEGAL gas plant 50 – – Extracts natural gas liquids to provide feedstock for our onshore ethylene plant in Fife, Scotland. South Hook LNG 24 – – LNG regasification terminal supplies gas to the United Kingdom’s natural gas grid. Received 79 cargoes in 2020. 1 Representative range of working interest for acreage. 2 2020 net liquids production and natural gas available for sale. 39e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S Upstream portfolio, continued 2 Net Production Working 1 Interest Liquids Gas (%) (Kbd) (Mcfd) EUROPE Cyprus Block 10 60 – – Natural gas discovery made at Glaucus-1 well (2019). Appraisal well planned for late 2021. Germany Onshore 3-100 2 214 Operator of 25 sour gas and 32 sweet gas fields with production dating back to 1904. Includes 0.8 million net exploration acres. Greece Offshore Crete 40 – – Interest in two deepwater exploration blocks totaling nearly 4 million net acres. 40% working interest, captured October 2019. Italy Adriatic LNG Terminal 71 – – The world’s first fixed offshore LNG storage and regasification terminal received 75 cargoes in 2020. Netherlands Groningen/Other 30-50 3 370 Approximately 60 producing fields offshore in the North Sea and 120 fields onshore including Groningen, one of the world’s largest natural gas fields with production dating back to 1963. In 2020, the Dutch government further reduced Groningen gas extraction and maintained its plan to terminate Groningen production in 2022. Romania Neptun Deep 50 – – Continuing to seek fiscal stability and right to freely market natural gas prior to fully funding. United Kingdom North Sea 3-50 24 205 Approximately 30 producing assets in the North Sea. SEGAL gas plant 50 – – Extracts natural gas liquids to provide feedstock for our onshore ethylene plant in Fife, Scotland. South Hook LNG 24 – – LNG regasification terminal supplies gas to the United Kingdom’s natural gas grid. Received 79 cargoes in 2020. 1 Representative range of working interest for acreage. 2 2020 net liquids production and natural gas available for sale. 39

e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S Upstream portfolio, continued 2 Net Production Working 1 Interest Liquids Gas (%) (Kbd) (Mcfd) AFRICA Angola Block 15 36 42 – Operate four floating production, storage, and offloading (FPSO) vessels and two tension leg platforms. Signed Block 15 license extension and redevelopment commitment agreement incentivizing multi-year drilling program and subsea infrastructure project investments. Block 17 19 49 – Four FPSO vessels operated by Total. Various tie-back projects in execution. Block 32 15 28 – Two FPSO vessels operated by Total. Blocks 30, 44, 45 60 – – Captured in 2020. Captured 4.5 million gross acres offshore Angola. Block evaluation ongoing. 3 Cabinda Centro B 33 – – Captured in 2020. Block evaluation ongoing. Chad Onshore 40 12 – Polymer project to enhance recovery online. Egypt Star, NE El Amriya, 90-100 – – Operate three offshore exploration licenses in the Nile Delta Basin and Herodotus Basin, totaling nearly and North Marakia 2.7 million net acres. Equatorial Guinea Block B 71 31 – Offshore production facilities include the Zafiro production complex, Jade platform, and Serpentina FPSO vessel. EG 06 80 – – Captured in 2015. Block evaluation ongoing. EG 11 80 – – Captured in 2018. Block evaluation ongoing. Ghana DWCTP 80 – – Captured in 2019. Block evaluation ongoing. Mauritania C-14, C-17, C-22 90 – – Captured in 2017. Block evaluations ongoing. Africa, continued next page 1 Representative range of working interest for acreage. 2 2020 net liquids production and natural gas available for sale. 3 Rounded. 40e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S Upstream portfolio, continued 2 Net Production Working 1 Interest Liquids Gas (%) (Kbd) (Mcfd) AFRICA Angola Block 15 36 42 – Operate four floating production, storage, and offloading (FPSO) vessels and two tension leg platforms. Signed Block 15 license extension and redevelopment commitment agreement incentivizing multi-year drilling program and subsea infrastructure project investments. Block 17 19 49 – Four FPSO vessels operated by Total. Various tie-back projects in execution. Block 32 15 28 – Two FPSO vessels operated by Total. Blocks 30, 44, 45 60 – – Captured in 2020. Captured 4.5 million gross acres offshore Angola. Block evaluation ongoing. 3 Cabinda Centro B 33 – – Captured in 2020. Block evaluation ongoing. Chad Onshore 40 12 – Polymer project to enhance recovery online. Egypt Star, NE El Amriya, 90-100 – – Operate three offshore exploration licenses in the Nile Delta Basin and Herodotus Basin, totaling nearly and North Marakia 2.7 million net acres. Equatorial Guinea Block B 71 31 – Offshore production facilities include the Zafiro production complex, Jade platform, and Serpentina FPSO vessel. EG 06 80 – – Captured in 2015. Block evaluation ongoing. EG 11 80 – – Captured in 2018. Block evaluation ongoing. Ghana DWCTP 80 – – Captured in 2019. Block evaluation ongoing. Mauritania C-14, C-17, C-22 90 – – Captured in 2017. Block evaluations ongoing. Africa, continued next page 1 Representative range of working interest for acreage. 2 2020 net liquids production and natural gas available for sale. 3 Rounded. 40

e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S Upstream portfolio, continued 2 Net Production Working 1 Interest Liquids Gas Africa, continued (%) (Kbd) (Mcfd) Mozambique A5-B, Z5-C, Z5-D 40 – – Executed concession contract in 2018. Block evaluations ongoing. Area 4 25 – – Development activities continue on Coral FLNG project. Pursuing synergies and value enhancements for Rovuma LNG with government of Mozambique, partners, and Area 1. Namibia PEL 86, PEL 89, PEL 95 85 – – Captured in 2019. Captured 8.1 million gross acres offshore Namibia. Block evaluation ongoing. Nigeria Offshore 20-56 150 9 Shallow-water and deepwater production facilities. Discovered over 70 shallow-water fields produced via fixed platforms and three FPSO developments. Multiple projects under evaluation to maximize field recovery. Sao Tome Principe Blocks 7, 8, 11 25 – – Captured in 2019, adding 172,000 net acres to the portfolio. Block evaluation ongoing. Tanzania Block 2 35 – – Commercial discussions are ongoing for a potential joint LNG plant. 1 Representative range of working interest for acreage. 2 2020 net liquids production and natural gas available for sale. 41e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S Upstream portfolio, continued 2 Net Production Working 1 Interest Liquids Gas Africa, continued (%) (Kbd) (Mcfd) Mozambique A5-B, Z5-C, Z5-D 40 – – Executed concession contract in 2018. Block evaluations ongoing. Area 4 25 – – Development activities continue on Coral FLNG project. Pursuing synergies and value enhancements for Rovuma LNG with government of Mozambique, partners, and Area 1. Namibia PEL 86, PEL 89, PEL 95 85 – – Captured in 2019. Captured 8.1 million gross acres offshore Namibia. Block evaluation ongoing. Nigeria Offshore 20-56 150 9 Shallow-water and deepwater production facilities. Discovered over 70 shallow-water fields produced via fixed platforms and three FPSO developments. Multiple projects under evaluation to maximize field recovery. Sao Tome Principe Blocks 7, 8, 11 25 – – Captured in 2019, adding 172,000 net acres to the portfolio. Block evaluation ongoing. Tanzania Block 2 35 – – Commercial discussions are ongoing for a potential joint LNG plant. 1 Representative range of working interest for acreage. 2 2020 net liquids production and natural gas available for sale. 41

e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S Upstream portfolio, continued 2 Net Production Working 1 Interest Liquids Gas (%) (Kbd) (Mcfd) ASIA/MIDDLE EAST Azerbaijan Azeri-Chirag-Gunashli 7 17 – Consists of six offshore platforms and an onshore processing plant. Indonesia Banyu Urip 45 36 – 165 Kbd onshore processing facility capacity with floating storage and offloading. Kedung Keris 45 1 – Project started up in 2019, tied back by 10-mile pipeline to commingle with Banyu Urip production. Iraq Kurdistan Region 32-64 – – Current PSCs remain in effect for exploration activity and evaluation of commerciality. West Qurna I 34 26 – 14 onshore processing trains with 703 Kbd capacity. Kazakhstan Caspian Pipeline Consortium 8 – – Pipeline transports equity production from Kazakhstan to Novorossiysk marine terminal on the Russian Black Sea. Kashagan 17 54 55 34 producer wells and six injector wells across five offshore drill centers producing into an island hub and to an onshore processing facility. Tengiz 25 156 173 Production license encompasses Tengiz and Korolev fields including associated facilities. Tengiz Expansion in progress to increase production capacity by 260 Kbd and sour gas injection capacity by 1,200 Mcfd gross. Malaysia Offshore production 50 26 201 Operate 34 platforms and have interest in another six platforms. Qatar Helium 7-22 – – Qatar is one of the world’s largest helium producers, with current capacity of 2 billion cubic feet per year, which will increase by 400 million cubic feet per year as He3 facility (Barzan) comes online. LNG Joint Ventures, 10-30, 152 2,987 LNG joint ventures with a total capacity of 62 Mta that supply LNG around the world and produce substantial Al Khaleej Gas, 100, volumes of associated condensate, liquefied petroleum gas, helium, and sulfur. Barzan 7 Al Khaleej Gas supplies up to 2 billion cubic feet per day of natural gas to the local market. Barzan will supply up to 1.4 billion cubic feet per day of natural gas, primarily to Qatar to meet its rapidly growing infrastructure and industry requirements. Russia Sakhalin-1 30 63 57 Development drilling program continued in high-value reservoirs. Progressed early engineering for the Russia Far East LNG project to produce approximately 6 Mta from Sakhalin-1 gas resources. Asia/Middle East, continued next page 1 Representative range of working interest for acreage. 2 2020 net liquids production and natural gas available for sale. 42e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S Upstream portfolio, continued 2 Net Production Working 1 Interest Liquids Gas (%) (Kbd) (Mcfd) ASIA/MIDDLE EAST Azerbaijan Azeri-Chirag-Gunashli 7 17 – Consists of six offshore platforms and an onshore processing plant. Indonesia Banyu Urip 45 36 – 165 Kbd onshore processing facility capacity with floating storage and offloading. Kedung Keris 45 1 – Project started up in 2019, tied back by 10-mile pipeline to commingle with Banyu Urip production. Iraq Kurdistan Region 32-64 – – Current PSCs remain in effect for exploration activity and evaluation of commerciality. West Qurna I 34 26 – 14 onshore processing trains with 703 Kbd capacity. Kazakhstan Caspian Pipeline Consortium 8 – – Pipeline transports equity production from Kazakhstan to Novorossiysk marine terminal on the Russian Black Sea. Kashagan 17 54 55 34 producer wells and six injector wells across five offshore drill centers producing into an island hub and to an onshore processing facility. Tengiz 25 156 173 Production license encompasses Tengiz and Korolev fields including associated facilities. Tengiz Expansion in progress to increase production capacity by 260 Kbd and sour gas injection capacity by 1,200 Mcfd gross. Malaysia Offshore production 50 26 201 Operate 34 platforms and have interest in another six platforms. Qatar Helium 7-22 – – Qatar is one of the world’s largest helium producers, with current capacity of 2 billion cubic feet per year, which will increase by 400 million cubic feet per year as He3 facility (Barzan) comes online. LNG Joint Ventures, 10-30, 152 2,987 LNG joint ventures with a total capacity of 62 Mta that supply LNG around the world and produce substantial Al Khaleej Gas, 100, volumes of associated condensate, liquefied petroleum gas, helium, and sulfur. Barzan 7 Al Khaleej Gas supplies up to 2 billion cubic feet per day of natural gas to the local market. Barzan will supply up to 1.4 billion cubic feet per day of natural gas, primarily to Qatar to meet its rapidly growing infrastructure and industry requirements. Russia Sakhalin-1 30 63 57 Development drilling program continued in high-value reservoirs. Progressed early engineering for the Russia Far East LNG project to produce approximately 6 Mta from Sakhalin-1 gas resources. Asia/Middle East, continued next page 1 Representative range of working interest for acreage. 2 2020 net liquids production and natural gas available for sale. 42

e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S Upstream portfolio, continued 2 Net Production Working 1 Interest Liquids Gas Asia/Middle East, continued (%) (Kbd) (Mcfd) Thailand Nam Phong, Sinphuhorm 80, 10 – 14 Operator of the Nam Phong natural gas field. Sinphuhorm is operated by others with 10% ExxonMobil share. United Arab Emirates Upper Zakum 28 212 – At year-end 2020, production capacity exceeded 900 Kbd. The Upper Zakum 750 project started up in 2020 while commissioning continued on the final systems. Development activities continued on the Upper Zakum 1 Mbd project. Vietnam Ca Voi Xanh (Blue Whale) 64 – – Completed front-end engineering and design (FEED). Continued to progress commercial agreements. AUSTRALIA/OCEANIA Australia Gippsland Basin 50 26 280 Operator of 23 offshore installations and associated onshore plants. Progressing development of the West Barracouta natural gas field to produce natural gas for the Australian domestic market by 2021. Gippsland VIC/P70 100 – – Continued block evaluation. Gippsland Kipper 32 1 17 Operator of the Kipper Unit Joint Venture providing gas to the Australia domestic market through Gippsland Basin onshore plants. North West Shelf 25 5 534 Completed start-up of the CO2 sequestration plant injection facilities. Extended shutdown and repairs completed on Gorgon Jansz LNG Train 2 and commenced on LNG Train 1. Completed infill drilling on both Gorgon and Jansz Fields as part of the Gorgon Stage 2 plateau maintenance project. Papua New Guinea (PNG) PNG LNG 33 12 388 Integrated development that includes natural gas production and processing facilities, onshore and offshore pipelines, and liquefaction facilities. P'nyang 49 – – Working with government of PNG on the P'nyang gas development fiscals. Western Foldbelt 15-100 – – Worked with co-venturers to progress development planning activities for Muruk and Juha. Continued Greater Juha seismic survey to further delineate prospectivity in the region. Muruk 43 – – Continued to evaluate development plans. Eastern Foldbelt 37-75 – – Worked with co-venturers to progress development planning activities for the Elk-Antelope fields. Matured prospects on exploration acreage and planning 2D seismic program to support potential drilling. Gulf of Papua 40-100 – – Acquired 3D seismic survey and working towards block evaluations. 1 Representative range of working interest for acreage. 2 2020 net liquids production and natural gas available for sale. 43e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S Upstream portfolio, continued 2 Net Production Working 1 Interest Liquids Gas Asia/Middle East, continued (%) (Kbd) (Mcfd) Thailand Nam Phong, Sinphuhorm 80, 10 – 14 Operator of the Nam Phong natural gas field. Sinphuhorm is operated by others with 10% ExxonMobil share. United Arab Emirates Upper Zakum 28 212 – At year-end 2020, production capacity exceeded 900 Kbd. The Upper Zakum 750 project started up in 2020 while commissioning continued on the final systems. Development activities continued on the Upper Zakum 1 Mbd project. Vietnam Ca Voi Xanh (Blue Whale) 64 – – Completed front-end engineering and design (FEED). Continued to progress commercial agreements. AUSTRALIA/OCEANIA Australia Gippsland Basin 50 26 280 Operator of 23 offshore installations and associated onshore plants. Progressing development of the West Barracouta natural gas field to produce natural gas for the Australian domestic market by 2021. Gippsland VIC/P70 100 – – Continued block evaluation. Gippsland Kipper 32 1 17 Operator of the Kipper Unit Joint Venture providing gas to the Australia domestic market through Gippsland Basin onshore plants. North West Shelf 25 5 534 Completed start-up of the CO2 sequestration plant injection facilities. Extended shutdown and repairs completed on Gorgon Jansz LNG Train 2 and commenced on LNG Train 1. Completed infill drilling on both Gorgon and Jansz Fields as part of the Gorgon Stage 2 plateau maintenance project. Papua New Guinea (PNG) PNG LNG 33 12 388 Integrated development that includes natural gas production and processing facilities, onshore and offshore pipelines, and liquefaction facilities. P'nyang 49 – – Working with government of PNG on the P'nyang gas development fiscals. Western Foldbelt 15-100 – – Worked with co-venturers to progress development planning activities for Muruk and Juha. Continued Greater Juha seismic survey to further delineate prospectivity in the region. Muruk 43 – – Continued to evaluate development plans. Eastern Foldbelt 37-75 – – Worked with co-venturers to progress development planning activities for the Elk-Antelope fields. Matured prospects on exploration acreage and planning 2D seismic program to support potential drilling. Gulf of Papua 40-100 – – Acquired 3D seismic survey and working towards block evaluations. 1 Representative range of working interest for acreage. 2 2020 net liquids production and natural gas available for sale. 43

e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S 1, 2 KEY PROJECTS: DOWNSTREAM Capacity Description Major project RECENTLY COMPLETED Location United States Permian 300 Kbd Logistics – terminal collection Canada Alberta 70 Kbd Products pipeline Strathcona 18 Kt/y Cogeneration – emissions reduction FUTURE (PROJECTED) India India 500 Kb/y Logistics – lubricant blending Singapore Singapore 3 Mb Logistics expansion Singapore 80 Kbd Resid upgrade – lubricant and diesel productionl United Kingdom Fawley 38 Kbd Hydrofiner – diesel productionl United States Baytown 36 Kbd Light-crude expansion Baytown 180 Kbd Product pipeline logistics Beaumont 250 Kbd Light-crude expansionl Permian/USGC >1 Mbd Logistics – long-haul pipelinel Kbd = thousand barrels per day Kb/y = thousand barrels per year Kt/y = thousand tonnes per year Mb = million barrels Mbd = million barrels per day 1 See Frequently Used Terms attached at the end of this document. 2 Volumes shown on 100-percent basis. 44e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S 1, 2 KEY PROJECTS: DOWNSTREAM Capacity Description Major project RECENTLY COMPLETED Location United States Permian 300 Kbd Logistics – terminal collection Canada Alberta 70 Kbd Products pipeline Strathcona 18 Kt/y Cogeneration – emissions reduction FUTURE (PROJECTED) India India 500 Kb/y Logistics – lubricant blending Singapore Singapore 3 Mb Logistics expansion Singapore 80 Kbd Resid upgrade – lubricant and diesel productionl United Kingdom Fawley 38 Kbd Hydrofiner – diesel productionl United States Baytown 36 Kbd Light-crude expansion Baytown 180 Kbd Product pipeline logistics Beaumont 250 Kbd Light-crude expansionl Permian/USGC >1 Mbd Logistics – long-haul pipelinel Kbd = thousand barrels per day Kb/y = thousand barrels per year Kt/y = thousand tonnes per year Mb = million barrels Mbd = million barrels per day 1 See Frequently Used Terms attached at the end of this document. 2 Volumes shown on 100-percent basis. 44

e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S 1 KEY PROJECTS: CHEMICAL 3 Capacity (Kta) Product Major project FUTURE (PROJECTED) Location China Guangdong Province 1,600 Ethylenel 1,650 Polyethylene 900 Polypropylene United States Baton Rouge 450 Polypropylenel Baytown 350 Linear alpha olefinsl Baytown 400 Vistamaxx performance polymersl 2 Corpus Christi 1,800 Ethylenel 1,100 Monothylene glycol 1,300 Polyethylene Kta = thousand tonnes per annum 1 See Frequently Used Terms attached at the end of this document. 2 50/50 joint venture with SABIC. 3 Volumes shown on 100-percent basis. 45e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S 1 KEY PROJECTS: CHEMICAL 3 Capacity (Kta) Product Major project FUTURE (PROJECTED) Location China Guangdong Province 1,600 Ethylenel 1,650 Polyethylene 900 Polypropylene United States Baton Rouge 450 Polypropylenel Baytown 350 Linear alpha olefinsl Baytown 400 Vistamaxx performance polymersl 2 Corpus Christi 1,800 Ethylenel 1,100 Monothylene glycol 1,300 Polyethylene Kta = thousand tonnes per annum 1 See Frequently Used Terms attached at the end of this document. 2 50/50 joint venture with SABIC. 3 Volumes shown on 100-percent basis. 45

e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S 1 KEY PROJECTS: UPSTREAM Facility capacity (gross) Liquids Gas ExxonMobil (Kbd) (Mcfd) working interest (%) Operator RECENTLY COMPLETED Canada Kearl Supplemental Crusher 40 – 100 e Qatar Barzan 90 1,400 7 J FUTURE (PROJECTED) Australia Gorgon future phases 20 2,700 25 c Brazil Bacalhau (formerly Carcara) Phase 1 220 – 40 c Canada Syncrude Mildred Lake Extension 210 – 25 J Guyana Liza Phase 2 220 – 45 e Payara 220 – 45 e Yellowtail 220 – 45 e Future phases 440 – 45 e Iraq West Qurna I 1,600 – 34 J Kazakhstan Kashagan Compression and Debottlenecking 450 400 17 J Tengiz Expansion 655 – 25 c Mozambique Coral FLNG 5 575 25 c Rovuma LNG Phase 1 10 2,400 25 e PNG Papua LNG 15 800 28 e Romania Neptun Deep – 630 50 e Russia Far East LNG – 880 30 e Sakhalin-1 Central South Dagi 40 – 30 e U.A.E. Upper Zakum Expansion (multiple phases) 1,000 – 28 J U.S. Golden Pass LNG Export – 2,500 30 J Vietnam Ca Voi Xanh (Blue Whale) 3 580 64 e Kbd = thousand barrels per day Mcfd = million cubic feet per day Operator: E = exxonmobil operated C = co-venturer operated J = joint operations 1 See Frequently Used Terms attached at the end of this document. 46e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S 1 KEY PROJECTS: UPSTREAM Facility capacity (gross) Liquids Gas ExxonMobil (Kbd) (Mcfd) working interest (%) Operator RECENTLY COMPLETED Canada Kearl Supplemental Crusher 40 – 100 e Qatar Barzan 90 1,400 7 J FUTURE (PROJECTED) Australia Gorgon future phases 20 2,700 25 c Brazil Bacalhau (formerly Carcara) Phase 1 220 – 40 c Canada Syncrude Mildred Lake Extension 210 – 25 J Guyana Liza Phase 2 220 – 45 e Payara 220 – 45 e Yellowtail 220 – 45 e Future phases 440 – 45 e Iraq West Qurna I 1,600 – 34 J Kazakhstan Kashagan Compression and Debottlenecking 450 400 17 J Tengiz Expansion 655 – 25 c Mozambique Coral FLNG 5 575 25 c Rovuma LNG Phase 1 10 2,400 25 e PNG Papua LNG 15 800 28 e Romania Neptun Deep – 630 50 e Russia Far East LNG – 880 30 e Sakhalin-1 Central South Dagi 40 – 30 e U.A.E. Upper Zakum Expansion (multiple phases) 1,000 – 28 J U.S. Golden Pass LNG Export – 2,500 30 J Vietnam Ca Voi Xanh (Blue Whale) 3 580 64 e Kbd = thousand barrels per day Mcfd = million cubic feet per day Operator: E = exxonmobil operated C = co-venturer operated J = joint operations 1 See Frequently Used Terms attached at the end of this document. 46

e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S FREQUENTLY USED TERMS Listed below are definitions of several of ExxonMobil’s key business and financial performance measures and other terms. These definitions are provided to facilitate understanding of the terms and their calculation. In the case of financial measures that we believe constitute “non-GAAP financial measures” under Securities and Exchange Commission Regulation G, we provide a reconciliation to the most comparable Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) measure and other information required by that rule. Total shareholder return (TSR) • measures the change in value of an investment in stock over a specified period of time, assuming dividend reinvestment. We calculate shareholder return over a particular measurement period by: dividing (1) the sum of (a) the cumulative value of dividends received during the measurement period, assuming reinvestment, plus (b) the difference between the stock price at the end and at the beginning of the measurement period; by (2) the stock price at the beginning of the measurement period. For this purpose, we assume dividends are reinvested in stock at market prices at approximately the same time actual dividends are paid. Shareholder return is usually quoted on an annualized basis. Capital and exploration expenditures (Capex) • r epresents the combined total of additions at cost to property, plant and equipment, and exploration expenses on a before-tax basis from the Summary statement of income. exxonmobil’s c apex includes its share of similar costs for equity companies. c apex excludes assets acquired in nonmonetary exchanges, the value of exxonmobil shares used to acquire assets, and depreciation on the cost of exploration support equipment and facilities recorded to property, plant and equipment when acquired. While exxonmobil’s management is responsible for all investments and elements of net income, particular focus is placed on managing the controllable aspects of this group of expenditures. Returns, investment returns, project returns • Unless referring specifically to r Oce , references to returns, investment returns, project returns, and similar terms mean future discounted cash flow returns on future capital investments based on current company estimates. investment returns exclude prior exploration and acquisition costs. Heavy oil and oil sands • Heavy oil, for the purpose of this document, includes heavy oil, extra heavy oil, and bitumen, as defined by the World Petroleum c ongress in 1987 based on American Petroleum institute (APi) gravity and viscosity at reservoir conditions. Heavy oil has an APi gravity between 10 and 22.3 degrees. t he APi gravity of extra heavy oil and bitumen is less than 10 degrees. extra heavy oil has a viscosity less than 10,000 centipoise, whereas the viscosity of bitumen is greater than 10,000 centipoise. t he term “oil sands” is used to indicate heavy oil (generally bitumen) that is recovered in a mining operation. Leverage • Leverage is defined as “net debt/(net debt + market capitalization).” Project • t he term “project” as used in this document can refer to a variety of different activities and does not necessarily have the same meaning as in any government payment transparency reports. Resources, resource base, and recoverable resources • Along with similar terms used in this document, these refer to the total remaining estimated quantities of oil and natural gas that are expected to be ultimately recoverable. exxonmobil refers to new discoveries and acquisitions of discovered resources as resource additions. t he resource base includes quantities of oil and natural gas classified as proved reserves, as well as quantities that are not yet classified as proved reserves, but that are expected to be ultimately recoverable. t he term “resource base” or similar terms are not intended to correspond to Sec definitions such as “probable” or “possible” reserves. t he term “in-place” refers to those quantities of oil and natural gas estimated to be contained in known accumulations and includes recoverable and unrecoverable amounts. Proved reserves • Proved reserve figures in this document are determined in accordance with Sec definitions. 47e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S FREQUENTLY USED TERMS Listed below are definitions of several of ExxonMobil’s key business and financial performance measures and other terms. These definitions are provided to facilitate understanding of the terms and their calculation. In the case of financial measures that we believe constitute “non-GAAP financial measures” under Securities and Exchange Commission Regulation G, we provide a reconciliation to the most comparable Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) measure and other information required by that rule. Total shareholder return (TSR) • measures the change in value of an investment in stock over a specified period of time, assuming dividend reinvestment. We calculate shareholder return over a particular measurement period by: dividing (1) the sum of (a) the cumulative value of dividends received during the measurement period, assuming reinvestment, plus (b) the difference between the stock price at the end and at the beginning of the measurement period; by (2) the stock price at the beginning of the measurement period. For this purpose, we assume dividends are reinvested in stock at market prices at approximately the same time actual dividends are paid. Shareholder return is usually quoted on an annualized basis. Capital and exploration expenditures (Capex) • r epresents the combined total of additions at cost to property, plant and equipment, and exploration expenses on a before-tax basis from the Summary statement of income. exxonmobil’s c apex includes its share of similar costs for equity companies. c apex excludes assets acquired in nonmonetary exchanges, the value of exxonmobil shares used to acquire assets, and depreciation on the cost of exploration support equipment and facilities recorded to property, plant and equipment when acquired. While exxonmobil’s management is responsible for all investments and elements of net income, particular focus is placed on managing the controllable aspects of this group of expenditures. Returns, investment returns, project returns • Unless referring specifically to r Oce , references to returns, investment returns, project returns, and similar terms mean future discounted cash flow returns on future capital investments based on current company estimates. investment returns exclude prior exploration and acquisition costs. Heavy oil and oil sands • Heavy oil, for the purpose of this document, includes heavy oil, extra heavy oil, and bitumen, as defined by the World Petroleum c ongress in 1987 based on American Petroleum institute (APi) gravity and viscosity at reservoir conditions. Heavy oil has an APi gravity between 10 and 22.3 degrees. t he APi gravity of extra heavy oil and bitumen is less than 10 degrees. extra heavy oil has a viscosity less than 10,000 centipoise, whereas the viscosity of bitumen is greater than 10,000 centipoise. t he term “oil sands” is used to indicate heavy oil (generally bitumen) that is recovered in a mining operation. Leverage • Leverage is defined as “net debt/(net debt + market capitalization).” Project • t he term “project” as used in this document can refer to a variety of different activities and does not necessarily have the same meaning as in any government payment transparency reports. Resources, resource base, and recoverable resources • Along with similar terms used in this document, these refer to the total remaining estimated quantities of oil and natural gas that are expected to be ultimately recoverable. exxonmobil refers to new discoveries and acquisitions of discovered resources as resource additions. t he resource base includes quantities of oil and natural gas classified as proved reserves, as well as quantities that are not yet classified as proved reserves, but that are expected to be ultimately recoverable. t he term “resource base” or similar terms are not intended to correspond to Sec definitions such as “probable” or “possible” reserves. t he term “in-place” refers to those quantities of oil and natural gas estimated to be contained in known accumulations and includes recoverable and unrecoverable amounts. Proved reserves • Proved reserve figures in this document are determined in accordance with Sec definitions. 47

e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S Frequently Used Terms, continued CASH FLOW FROM OPERATIONS AND ASSET SALES 2020 2019 2018 (millions of dollars) Net cash provided by operating activities 14,668 29,716 36,014 Proceeds associated with sales of subsidiaries, property, plant and equipment, and sales and returns of investments 999 3,692 4,123 Cash flow from operations and asset sales 15,667 33,408 40,137 Cash flow from operations and asset sales is the sum of the net cash provided by operating activities and proceeds associated with sales of subsidiaries, property, plant and equipment, and sales and returns of investments from the Summary statement of cash flows. This cash flow reflects the total sources of cash from both operating the Corporation’s assets and from the divesting of assets. The Corporation employs a long-standing and regular disciplined review process to ensure that all assets are contributing to the Corporation’s strategic objectives. Assets are divested when they are no longer meeting these objectives or are worth considerably more to others. Because of the regular nature of this activity, we believe it is useful for investors to consider proceeds associated with asset sales together with cash provided by operating activities when evaluating cash available for investment in the business and financing activities, including shareholder distributions. OPERATING COSTS 2020 2019 2018 (millions of dollars) Reconciliation of operating costs From ExxonMobil’s Consolidated statement of income Total costs and other deductions 210,385 244,882 259,259 Less: Crude oil and product purchases 94,007 143,801 156,172 Interest expense 1,158 830 766 Other taxes and duties 26,122 30,525 32,663 Subtotal 89,098 69,726 69,658 ExxonMobil’s share of equity company expenses 8,292 9,088 9,569 Total operating costs 97,390 78,814 79,227 Components of operating costs From ExxonMobil’s Consolidated statement of income Production and manufacturing expenses 30,431 36,826 36,682 Selling, general and administrative expenses 10,168 11,398 11,480 Depreciation and depletion (includes impairments) 46,009 18,998 18,745 Exploration expenses, including dry holes 1,285 1,269 1,466 Non-service pension and postretirement benefit expense 1,205 1,235 1,285 Subtotal 89,098 69,726 69,658 ExxonMobil’s share of equity company expenses 8,292 9,088 9,569 Total operating costs 97,390 78,814 79,227 Operating costs are the costs during the period to produce, manufacture, and otherwise prepare the company’s products for sale – including energy, staffing, and maintenance costs. They exclude the cost of raw materials, taxes, and interest expense and are on a before-tax basis. While ExxonMobil’s management is responsible for all revenue and expense elements of net income, operating costs, as defined above, represent the expenses most directly under management’s control, and therefore are useful for investors and ExxonMobil management in evaluating management’s performance. 48e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S Frequently Used Terms, continued CASH FLOW FROM OPERATIONS AND ASSET SALES 2020 2019 2018 (millions of dollars) Net cash provided by operating activities 14,668 29,716 36,014 Proceeds associated with sales of subsidiaries, property, plant and equipment, and sales and returns of investments 999 3,692 4,123 Cash flow from operations and asset sales 15,667 33,408 40,137 Cash flow from operations and asset sales is the sum of the net cash provided by operating activities and proceeds associated with sales of subsidiaries, property, plant and equipment, and sales and returns of investments from the Summary statement of cash flows. This cash flow reflects the total sources of cash from both operating the Corporation’s assets and from the divesting of assets. The Corporation employs a long-standing and regular disciplined review process to ensure that all assets are contributing to the Corporation’s strategic objectives. Assets are divested when they are no longer meeting these objectives or are worth considerably more to others. Because of the regular nature of this activity, we believe it is useful for investors to consider proceeds associated with asset sales together with cash provided by operating activities when evaluating cash available for investment in the business and financing activities, including shareholder distributions. OPERATING COSTS 2020 2019 2018 (millions of dollars) Reconciliation of operating costs From ExxonMobil’s Consolidated statement of income Total costs and other deductions 210,385 244,882 259,259 Less: Crude oil and product purchases 94,007 143,801 156,172 Interest expense 1,158 830 766 Other taxes and duties 26,122 30,525 32,663 Subtotal 89,098 69,726 69,658 ExxonMobil’s share of equity company expenses 8,292 9,088 9,569 Total operating costs 97,390 78,814 79,227 Components of operating costs From ExxonMobil’s Consolidated statement of income Production and manufacturing expenses 30,431 36,826 36,682 Selling, general and administrative expenses 10,168 11,398 11,480 Depreciation and depletion (includes impairments) 46,009 18,998 18,745 Exploration expenses, including dry holes 1,285 1,269 1,466 Non-service pension and postretirement benefit expense 1,205 1,235 1,285 Subtotal 89,098 69,726 69,658 ExxonMobil’s share of equity company expenses 8,292 9,088 9,569 Total operating costs 97,390 78,814 79,227 Operating costs are the costs during the period to produce, manufacture, and otherwise prepare the company’s products for sale – including energy, staffing, and maintenance costs. They exclude the cost of raw materials, taxes, and interest expense and are on a before-tax basis. While ExxonMobil’s management is responsible for all revenue and expense elements of net income, operating costs, as defined above, represent the expenses most directly under management’s control, and therefore are useful for investors and ExxonMobil management in evaluating management’s performance. 48

e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S Frequently Used Terms, continued FREE CASH FLOW 2020 2019 2018 (millions of dollars) Net cash provided by operating activities 14,668 29,716 36,014 Additions to property, plant and equipment (17,282) (24,361) (19,574) Proceeds associated with sales of subsidiaries, property, plant and equipment, and sales and returns of investments 999 3,692 4,123 Additional investments and advances (4,857) (3,905) (1,981) Other investing activities, including collection of advances 2,681 1,490 986 Free cash flow (3,791 6,632 19,568 ) Free cash flow is cash flow from operations and asset sales less additions to property, plant and equipment, and additional investments and advances, plus other investing activities, including collection of advances. This measure is useful when evaluating cash available for financing activities, including shareholder distributions, after investment in the business. DISTRIBUTIONS TO SHAREHOLDERS 2020 2019 2018 (millions of dollars) Dividends paid to ExxonMobil shareholders 14,865 14,652 13,798 Cost of shares acquired to reduce shares outstanding – – – Distributions to ExxonMobil shareholders 14,865 14,652 13,798 Memo: Gross cost of shares acquired to offset shares or units settled in shares issued under benefit plans and programs 405 594 626 The Corporation distributes cash to shareholders in the form of both dividends and share purchases. Shares are acquired to reduce shares outstanding and offset shares or units settled in shares issued in conjunction with company benefit plans and programs. For purposes of calculating distributions to shareholders, the Corporation only includes the cost of those shares acquired to reduce shares outstanding. CAPITAL EMPLOYED AT YEAR END 2020 2019 2018 (millions of dollars) Business uses: asset and liability perspective Total assets 332,750 362,597 346,196 Less liabilities and noncontrolling interests share of assets and liabilities Total current liabilities excluding notes and loans payable (35,905) (43,411) (39,880) Total long-term liabilities excluding long-term debt (65,075) (73,328) (69,992) Noncontrolling interests share of assets and liabilities (8,773) (8,839) (7,958) Add ExxonMobil share of debt-financed equity company net assets 4,140 3,906 3,914 Total capital employed 227,137 240,925 232,280 Total corporate sources: debt and equity perspective Notes and loans payable 20,458 20,578 17,258 Long-term debt 47,182 26,342 20,538 ExxonMobil share of equity 157,150 191,650 191,794 Less noncontrolling interests share of total debt (1,793) (1,551) (1,224) Add ExxonMobil share of equity company debt 4,140 3,906 3,914 Total capital employed 227,137 240,925 232,280 Capital employed is a measure of net investment. When viewed from the perspective of how the capital is used by the businesses, it includes ExxonMobil’s net share of property, plant and equipment, and other assets, less liabilities, excluding both short-term and long-term debt. When viewed from the perspective of the sources of capital employed in total for the Corporation, it includes ExxonMobil’s share of total debt and equity. Both of these views include ExxonMobil’s share of amounts applicable to equity companies, which the Corporation believes should be included to provide a more comprehensive measure of capital employed. 49e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S Frequently Used Terms, continued FREE CASH FLOW 2020 2019 2018 (millions of dollars) Net cash provided by operating activities 14,668 29,716 36,014 Additions to property, plant and equipment (17,282) (24,361) (19,574) Proceeds associated with sales of subsidiaries, property, plant and equipment, and sales and returns of investments 999 3,692 4,123 Additional investments and advances (4,857) (3,905) (1,981) Other investing activities, including collection of advances 2,681 1,490 986 Free cash flow (3,791 6,632 19,568 ) Free cash flow is cash flow from operations and asset sales less additions to property, plant and equipment, and additional investments and advances, plus other investing activities, including collection of advances. This measure is useful when evaluating cash available for financing activities, including shareholder distributions, after investment in the business. DISTRIBUTIONS TO SHAREHOLDERS 2020 2019 2018 (millions of dollars) Dividends paid to ExxonMobil shareholders 14,865 14,652 13,798 Cost of shares acquired to reduce shares outstanding – – – Distributions to ExxonMobil shareholders 14,865 14,652 13,798 Memo: Gross cost of shares acquired to offset shares or units settled in shares issued under benefit plans and programs 405 594 626 The Corporation distributes cash to shareholders in the form of both dividends and share purchases. Shares are acquired to reduce shares outstanding and offset shares or units settled in shares issued in conjunction with company benefit plans and programs. For purposes of calculating distributions to shareholders, the Corporation only includes the cost of those shares acquired to reduce shares outstanding. CAPITAL EMPLOYED AT YEAR END 2020 2019 2018 (millions of dollars) Business uses: asset and liability perspective Total assets 332,750 362,597 346,196 Less liabilities and noncontrolling interests share of assets and liabilities Total current liabilities excluding notes and loans payable (35,905) (43,411) (39,880) Total long-term liabilities excluding long-term debt (65,075) (73,328) (69,992) Noncontrolling interests share of assets and liabilities (8,773) (8,839) (7,958) Add ExxonMobil share of debt-financed equity company net assets 4,140 3,906 3,914 Total capital employed 227,137 240,925 232,280 Total corporate sources: debt and equity perspective Notes and loans payable 20,458 20,578 17,258 Long-term debt 47,182 26,342 20,538 ExxonMobil share of equity 157,150 191,650 191,794 Less noncontrolling interests share of total debt (1,793) (1,551) (1,224) Add ExxonMobil share of equity company debt 4,140 3,906 3,914 Total capital employed 227,137 240,925 232,280 Capital employed is a measure of net investment. When viewed from the perspective of how the capital is used by the businesses, it includes ExxonMobil’s net share of property, plant and equipment, and other assets, less liabilities, excluding both short-term and long-term debt. When viewed from the perspective of the sources of capital employed in total for the Corporation, it includes ExxonMobil’s share of total debt and equity. Both of these views include ExxonMobil’s share of amounts applicable to equity companies, which the Corporation believes should be included to provide a more comprehensive measure of capital employed. 49

e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S Frequently Used Terms, continued RETURN ON AVERAGE CAPITAL EMPLOYED (ROCE) 2020 2019 2018 (millions of dollars) Net income (loss) attributable to ExxonMobil (22,440) 14,340 20,840 Financing costs (after tax) Gross third-party debt (1,272) (1,075) (912) ExxonMobil share of equity companies (182) (207) (192) All other financing costs – net 666 141 498 Total financing costs (788) (1,141) (606) Earnings (Loss) excluding financing costs (21,652) 15,481 21,446 Average capital employed 234,031 236,603 232,374 Return on average capital employed – corporate total (9.3%) 6.5% 9.2% ROCE is a performance measure ratio. From the perspective of the business segments, ROCE is annual business segment earnings divided by average business segment capital employed (average of beginning and end-of-year amounts). These segment earnings include ExxonMobil’s share of segment earnings of equity companies, consistent with our capital employed definition, and exclude the cost of financing. The Corporation’s total ROCE is net income attributable to ExxonMobil, excluding the after-tax cost of financing, divided by total corporate average capital employed. The Corporation has consistently applied its ROCE definition for many years and views it as the best measure of historical capital productivity in our capital-intensive, long-term industry, both to evaluate management’s performance and to demonstrate to shareholders that capital has been used wisely over the long term. Additional measures, which are more cash-flow based, are used to make investment decisions. See page 5 for segment information relevant to ROCE. 50e x x o nmo b i l | 2020 F in An C iA l AnD o Pe R ATin G DATA < RE TURN TO TAB LE OF CONTE NT S Frequently Used Terms, continued RETURN ON AVERAGE CAPITAL EMPLOYED (ROCE) 2020 2019 2018 (millions of dollars) Net income (loss) attributable to ExxonMobil (22,440) 14,340 20,840 Financing costs (after tax) Gross third-party debt (1,272) (1,075) (912) ExxonMobil share of equity companies (182) (207) (192) All other financing costs – net 666 141 498 Total financing costs (788) (1,141) (606) Earnings (Loss) excluding financing costs (21,652) 15,481 21,446 Average capital employed 234,031 236,603 232,374 Return on average capital employed – corporate total (9.3%) 6.5% 9.2% ROCE is a performance measure ratio. From the perspective of the business segments, ROCE is annual business segment earnings divided by average business segment capital employed (average of beginning and end-of-year amounts). These segment earnings include ExxonMobil’s share of segment earnings of equity companies, consistent with our capital employed definition, and exclude the cost of financing. The Corporation’s total ROCE is net income attributable to ExxonMobil, excluding the after-tax cost of financing, divided by total corporate average capital employed. The Corporation has consistently applied its ROCE definition for many years and views it as the best measure of historical capital productivity in our capital-intensive, long-term industry, both to evaluate management’s performance and to demonstrate to shareholders that capital has been used wisely over the long term. Additional measures, which are more cash-flow based, are used to make investment decisions. See page 5 for segment information relevant to ROCE. 50

Important Additional Information Regarding Proxy Solicitation Exxon Mobil Corporation (“ExxonMobil”) has filed a definitive proxy statement and form of associated BLUE proxy card with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) in connection with the solicitation of proxies for ExxonMobil’s 2021 Annual Meeting (the “Proxy Statement”). ExxonMobil, its directors and certain of its executive officers will be participants in the solicitation of proxies from shareholders in respect of the 2021 Annual Meeting. Information regarding the names of ExxonMobil’s directors and executive officers and their respective interests in ExxonMobil by security holdings or otherwise is set forth in the Proxy Statement. To the extent holdings of such participants in ExxonMobil’s securities are not reported, or have changed since the amounts described, in the Proxy Statement, such changes have been reflected on Initial Statements of Beneficial Ownership on Form 3 or Statements of Change in Ownership on Form 4 filed with the SEC. Details concerning the nominees of ExxonMobil’s Board of Directors for election at the 2021 Annual Meeting are included in the Proxy Statement. BEFORE MAKING ANY VOTING DECISION, INVESTORS AND SHAREHOLDERS OF THE COMPANY ARE URGED TO READ ALL RELEVANT DOCUMENTS FILED WITH OR FURNISHED TO THE SEC, INCLUDING THE COMPANY’S DEFINITIVE PROXY STATEMENT AND ANY SUPPLEMENTS THERETO AND ACCOMPANYING BLUE PROXY CARD, BECAUSE THEY CONTAIN IMPORTANT INFORMATION. Investors and shareholders can obtain a copy of the Proxy Statement and other relevant documents filed by ExxonMobil free of charge from the SEC’s website, www.sec.gov. ExxonMobil’s shareholders can also obtain, without charge, a copy of the Proxy Statement and other relevant filed documents by directing a request by mail to ExxonMobil Shareholder Services at 5959 Las Colinas Boulevard, Irving, Texas, 75039-2298 or at shareholderrelations@exxonmobil.com or from the investor relations section of ExxonMobil’s website, www.exxonmobil.com/investor. Important Additional Information Regarding Proxy Solicitation Exxon Mobil Corporation (“ExxonMobil”) has filed a definitive proxy statement and form of associated BLUE proxy card with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) in connection with the solicitation of proxies for ExxonMobil’s 2021 Annual Meeting (the “Proxy Statement”). ExxonMobil, its directors and certain of its executive officers will be participants in the solicitation of proxies from shareholders in respect of the 2021 Annual Meeting. Information regarding the names of ExxonMobil’s directors and executive officers and their respective interests in ExxonMobil by security holdings or otherwise is set forth in the Proxy Statement. To the extent holdings of such participants in ExxonMobil’s securities are not reported, or have changed since the amounts described, in the Proxy Statement, such changes have been reflected on Initial Statements of Beneficial Ownership on Form 3 or Statements of Change in Ownership on Form 4 filed with the SEC. Details concerning the nominees of ExxonMobil’s Board of Directors for election at the 2021 Annual Meeting are included in the Proxy Statement. BEFORE MAKING ANY VOTING DECISION, INVESTORS AND SHAREHOLDERS OF THE COMPANY ARE URGED TO READ ALL RELEVANT DOCUMENTS FILED WITH OR FURNISHED TO THE SEC, INCLUDING THE COMPANY’S DEFINITIVE PROXY STATEMENT AND ANY SUPPLEMENTS THERETO AND ACCOMPANYING BLUE PROXY CARD, BECAUSE THEY CONTAIN IMPORTANT INFORMATION. Investors and shareholders can obtain a copy of the Proxy Statement and other relevant documents filed by ExxonMobil free of charge from the SEC’s website, www.sec.gov. ExxonMobil’s shareholders can also obtain, without charge, a copy of the Proxy Statement and other relevant filed documents by directing a request by mail to ExxonMobil Shareholder Services at 5959 Las Colinas Boulevard, Irving, Texas, 75039-2298 or at shareholderrelations@exxonmobil.com or from the investor relations section of ExxonMobil’s website, www.exxonmobil.com/investor.