1Q21 Earnings Considerations

To give perspective regarding market and planned factors affecting 1Q 2021 results, we are providing the following summary of factors management believes will impact 1Q 2021 results relative to 4Q 2020 results. These factors are generally limited to market dynamics, seasonal patterns, and planned activities. This list is not meant to be a comprehensive list of all changes between 4Q 2020 results and 1Q 2021 results or to provide an estimate of 1Q 2021 results for the Corporation. Further, this list may not account for all adjustments and charges required to fully reflect the changes in industry conditions.
$ billionsUpstreamDownstreamChemicalCorp & FinTotal
4Q20 earnings / (loss), U.S. GAAP
4Q20 identified items
Tax Item(0.3)(0.3)(0.0)(0.6)
4Q20 earnings / (loss) excluding identified items
Estimated effects of market factors impacting 1Q21 results
Change in liquids prices1.6 - 2.0
Change in gas prices0.3 - 0.7
Change in Downstream refining margins0.3 - 0.5
Change in Chemical margins0.4 - 0.6
Change in unsettled derivatives (mark-to-market)(0.1) - 0.10.3 - 0.5
Estimated effects of seasonal and planned factors impacting 1Q21 results
Change in scheduled maintenance(0.1) - 0.1(0.3) - (0.1)0.0 - 0.1
Day effect (fewer days in 1Q 2021 vs. 4Q 2020)(0.2) - (0.1)(0.1) - (0.0)(0.1) - (0.0)
Additional information:
Estimated impact of Texas winter storm (not an identified item) ¹(0.3) - (0.2)(0.2) - (0.1)(0.3) - (0.2)
Absence of prior quarter LIFO inventory impacts (not an identified item)(0.1)0.1
Net change in Upstream depreciation and depletion from 2020 impairments and price-driven oil and gas reserve reductions ²0.0
1 Includes impacts from lower production and sales volumes, repair costs, and net impact of energy purchases and sales. Does not include indirect impacts from winter storm supply disruptions, if any, on market prices for crude oil, natural gas, petroleum products, or chemicals, which would be reflected in the market factors for changes in liquids prices, gas prices, Downstream refining margins, and Chemical margins.
² Lower Upstream depreciation and depletion charges related to 2020 impairments are expected to be offset by higher unit-of-production rates due to 2020 proved reserves reductions from low prices.

This information is only intended to provide additional information regarding current estimates of certain limited market and planned factors management believes will likely affect results for 1Q 2021 relative to 4Q 2020 to assist investors, analysts and others in formulating their own estimates. It is not intended to be a comprehensive presentation of all factors that will affect the Corporation’s sequential results or to provide an estimate of the Corporation’s 1Q 2021 results. Actual results and the impact of factors identified here may vary depending on the impact of other factors not identified here and are subject to finalization of the Corporation’s financial reporting process for 1Q 2021. Further, this list may not account for all adjustments and charges required to fully reflect the changes in industry conditions.

Outlooks, estimates, projections and other statements of future financial impacts of certain factors as provided in this publication are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act. Actual future impacts of these certain factors for 1Q 2021 may vary from our estimates for a number of reasons, including additional unidentified factors related to: sales volume and sales mix numbers; supply and demand imbalances; regional pricing differentials and refining and chemical margins; price impacts and the broader government responses to waves of COVID-19; planned cash and operating expense reductions; total capital expenditures and mix; maintenance costs and incidents; production shut-ins and mix; financing costs; the resolution of any contingencies and uncertain tax positions; environmental expenditures; impact of fiscal, contractual, and commercial terms applicable to the quarter; the outcome of commercial negotiations related to the quarter; the timing and regulatory approval of any acquisitions or divestments; resolution of trading and derivative positions for the quarter; the pace of economic recovery and regional differences for product demand; changes in consumer behavior; civil unrest; changes in regulatory policies and any associated liabilities; changes in asset valuation or estimates of fair value as of a certain date as the process for determining impairment charges and other reported items continues to be finalized; updates or corrections of any estimate used herein; and other market conditions in the oil, natural gas, petroleum, and petrochemical industries. Furthermore, additional factors may exist that will be relevant to 1Q 2021 results that are not currently known or fully understood, including our participation in joint ventures or developments operated by third parties and other factors cited in Item 1A. Risk Factors of our most recent Annual and Quarterly Reports available on the Investors page of our website at www.exxonmobil.com. All forward-looking statements and the assumptions in this publication speak only as of the date hereof. We do not assume or undertake any obligation to update these forward-looking statements or assumptions as of any future date. Any future update or expansion of the forward-looking statements in this publication will be provided only through a public disclosure indicating that fact.

Earnings / (loss) excluding identified items are earnings / (loss) excluding individually significant non-operational events with an absolute corporate total earnings impact of at least $250 million in a given quarter. The earnings impact of an identified item for an individual segment may be less than $250 million when the item impacts several segments. We believe it is useful for investors to consider these figures in comparing the underlying performance of our business across periods when one or both periods include identified items.

In accordance with Regulation FD, we are hereby providing notice that the company currently intends to furnish its first quarter 2021 financial results both (1) by posting them on our website at www.exxonmobil.com and (2) in a filing on Form 8-K in the Securities and Exchange Commission EDGAR system, each by 6:30 a.m. CT Friday, April 30, 2021. In the event that the EDGAR system experiences technical difficulties or the company is unable to successfully complete its 8-K filing at the intended time, investors and the public should look for this information at that time on our website. In case of a failed filing, the company intends to furnish the information on EDGAR as soon as possible after 6:30 a.m. CT Friday, April 30, 2021.